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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Pears, Yuko Nagayama Online Course

In the subjects, a pear and a pasta plate, Yuko Nagayama taught us how to draw a plate mathematically and meticulously. She passionately talked about the importance of drawing skills. Drawing skills are equivalent to a person's car driving skills which allows a person to go anywhere she wants to go in work. Another interesting topic was the variation of greys mixed by other colours. Me, too, studying greys to create the harmony in work.  The participants were required to submit fruits and a plate. I'm enjoying biting pears! Sweet and yum! 
Friends, Happy Painting. Take care and stay safe in the pandemic. 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank u very much, Art Traveller. I hope you and I will enjoy painting more than ever. Best wishes, Sadami
