Good news!
With your cheers, I was selected for Victoria Cancer Council Arts Awards 2011 as well as 2010. (*The 2011 Gallery website is constructed NOW. Please check it later. Winner announcement is on 10th July. ) Selected entries--if artists agree---will be on sale for fundraising as well.
Very happy. I have the same treatment with cancer and leukemia patients, even though I do not have either of them. The hospital staff celebrated the good news.

Anyone can try the Awards, who is involved with cancer directly or indirectly. The real aim of the Awards is to lift up anyone touched by cancer. The Victoria Cancer Council's hard work has paid off. The benefits of Arts Awards have been well and widely recognised at The Ability Media International Awards 2010 for its creative excellence and social relevance.

Lots of psychology books reading (*ended up philosophy) at uni and after uni on identity, life, death and love. The reading helped my psychological growing or maturing at the tough time. The most important finding is how to love myself properly and love others as well.
My on-going maturing is
know who/what I was/have been,
encounter "who I am"
...and becoming "what I will be most."
The very interesting experience! Are we really happy with being ourselves? If not, why and which element? I dug it deep and met a distorted self and examined my value system. Then, I understood why and could accept "who I have been."
Further, a fascinating experience is a shift begins in me that goes through the past, the present and to the future. I've found the meaning of my life in art and being convinced.
I've started loving myself properly. It means I can love others, too in a proper manner. Then, liberation. I chose to be an artist. I enjoy life fully and expect a good future, whatever the situations are/will be. Neither jealous of others nor wrongly proud of myself. Celebrate my even tiny achievements and happily applause others' great work, too.
Does my poor English make sense above?
I cannot tell them well, but that is a very profound truth(many famous psychologists are philosophers).

Under a heaven, there's a season. My time for thinking and reading was over. Take an action, create art work, love myself and others---is my season. When I make portraits, everyone is so precious and unique. When I sketch something, everything is shining and beautiful. Of course, so you are, Friends!!
I deeply appreciate the encounter with you on net and on the earth.
Let us move on and live life fully!
Happy painting!