Publisher/Editor Helen, Mentor Ann and I closely looked at the dummy and colour roughs. Each page and consequence was checked in an entire story. We discussed any questions on every page. For me, very important to tell Editor/Publisher and Mentor what I felt and thought honestly without any hesitation. My most concern was "pace and space." Each party mutually respected and carefully listened to each other.
My whole body was ears. I so much concentrated on listening to their opinions and tried to write them down on a new dummy. In a very high tension. At once, Mentor Ann asked about my silence, "Is that shocking for you?" Oh, no, no, totally opposite! I was very interested in Helen and Ann's view. (* I found myself very open-minded and never have a wrong big pride! Good!) I was eager for advice to create a good book. Of course, sometimes, a different opinion came up, which actually brought us a fresh laugh! So nice!! I was so happy with this wonderful team. Really a blessing.
Superb Publisher/Editor Helen and Great Mentor Ann! So caring Ann started to reorganise a dummy for me, whilst I was talking with Helen. I began to write down findings on the dummy with Ann. Helen's sharp eye and a serious face eloquently showed how much she has loved this story like me and Ann. But they were so sweet for me. I complained, "You spoil me!" from a kitchen. I felt them smiling. A cute laughing sounded like a fresh breeze.
The discussion went on technical stuff. Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen really love my "freshness" and "colours." Their say was, in fact, a great encouragement and support for me. Yes, they want to see my lines and colours dancing on papers, neither being stiff nor dull. Yes, what they emphasised is my most strength.
At the end, Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen ensured me to contact them, if any questions and different images come up in my mind. Yes, feel free to consult them with my images. Brilliant! Publisher/Editor and Mentor really respect me, Illustrator. They want me to be Sadami fully in this project.
I thank for Lord that I could get such wonderful people to work together.
Friends, got surprised? We do spend such a huge energy, time, enthusiasm and love in creating a picture book. It requires a great group work. So, be a flexible hard worker who can endure long "years" work.
One more, a great surprise, a "birthday present" from Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen! Oh, Friends, Shaun Tan's new book, "Rules of Summer" (just published in Oct! Edited by Helen Chamberlin). Hey, Shaun SIGNED it and WROTE for me, "Happy Birthday, Sadami!" with a little cake cartoon on a title page!!!! Wow~~~! When I started my career, I met Shaun Tan at his book launch of "Arrival" in Sydney uni. After all audience had gone, I talked to him about his work and how he began a career. Shaun kindly answered and at once recognised my drawing skills (I sketched him!) and happily picked up my CD folio with a printed sample work. He encouraged me so much and hoped a bright future for my picture book illustrator career.
(*Our picture book illustration lecturers, Donna Rawlins and Wayne Harris, encouraged us, students to organise a CD folio with a printed sample work. I certainly did both, although not many students made CDs at that time.)
Shaun's Book Launch in Sydney Uni
Today, I'm right on a track. One day, I'd like to
see Shaun again to say special thanks. Now, I happily open a next chapter for the project. Go, colour! I'll concentrate on the project. Pardon me, if I do not update each Monday. Friends, have dreams and make them come true.
Friends, Happy Painting!