We had a wonderful time in the opening and I've closed the mentorship and opened a new chapter. Many people celebrated my works. Some came after hours drive, another flew from Melbourne and others after a long day work. Thank you very much. Photos are courtesy of Frank.
**I tried to make myself low so that all people would come up well.
A hard task though, it seems to have worked well.
My exhibition coordinator Trish made a wonderful and very touchy speech. She introduced herself and talked of me, "... what impressed me about Sadami not only her bright, bubbly personality and obvious talent, but her passion and enthusiasm for drawing. As you look around the walls this evening you can all see that passion on display." Trish praised my talent, big national and international competition entitlements and skills of watercolour that has tamed difficulty of medium, which cannot be scraped off like oil and acrylics. "Sadami is mostly a self-taught artist. Her work looks effortless behind those loose pencil marks and application of colour are many, many years of practice. She draws everyday and everywhere she goes." ...oh, Trish knew it...!! (Below, Trish at centre and we were from a life drawing group.) Trish, a very experienced print maker, who has taught me how to do an exhibition from A to Z ! She's worked so hard for my exhibition for these months in her very busy days. Her kind husband Michael offered his hands to look after our bar in the show.

Trish continued, "Sadami is a keen and sensitive observer of people and places. All the works upstairs are drawn from life. She is able to capture expressions and gestures with minimal marks and a strategic use of light and tone with a restrained palette." ...wow, what Trish says was exactly the same to my mentor, Ann James!
"The drawings in the main room show her creativity and imagination in bringing to life the story, Moon, by Matt Zurbo. Sadami says it takes many people to give birth to a picture book and, of course, that is true; without the author there would be no story. But it is the artist's creativity and imagination that bring that story to life. Sadami's illustrations, however, not only enrich a story; they are exquisite artworks in their own right."
Then, Trish acclaimed, "Congratulations, Sadami, on this wonderful exhibition ; may you keep on shining like the moon. We look forward to many more, beautiful picture books and art works. I declare this exhibition officially open!"
Ann whispered me, "Wonderful! Very good speech. Nice!" with a smile. Oh, too good! My chest was full of emotions and happiness.
I asked Ann to make a speech. Her speech was lovely like Trish! She thanked for Windy Hollow, author Matt Zurbo, editor Helen Chamberlin and a book designer's work that created Moon, clarifying an illustrator's work was only a part of a team's great work. Then, she talked of our mentorship and my work. So sweet and very humble. Ann always thanks for a team. Then, I had to do a speech. Gulp. I said honestly, "After such wonderful speeches, my head is blacked out!" and thanked for so many people. When I talked of the mentor's long years assistance, tears came up and my voice trembled. Thank you so much.
Ann James
I've closed the mentorship and opened a new chapter as a picture book illustrator with confidence. You find the moon pendant around my neck. It's from my mentors, Books Illustrated. It is engraved with a little fledgling bird. How thoughtful and sweet! I believe they want me to strongly fly away from their cosy nest and step into the bright future, whilst they commemorated Moon. I'll keep this pendant ... I feel as if the sweet mums will be always with me. (*Publisher Helen Chamberlin smiled at me and said, "You have so many good step mothers : (Helen, herself), Ann, Jess, Libby Gleeson, Margaret Wild, Margaret Hamilton, etc, etc." Indeed, all super "big" mamas in Australian publishing industry!
Btw, Ann has a cute red pendant on her chest. Children say, "Chilli!" "Fire!"
"No, it's a bird!" super hero Ann says, hahaha!
Her family came and all encouraged me so much!
Many friends came from Sydney Sketch Club, Sydney Uni and so ons. Dear old uni friends made me very happy!
Khadine came to the opening as well as the book launch. (Just behind me.)
Below, all were from Sydney Sketch Club! What a delighted moment! Two members brought me a little bottle of wine. Oh, sweet!
I explained each page, how I struggled, how my publishing team helped me find solutions, other hidden hilarious episodes and so on. ( Do you want to hear it? Come to the gallery! Hahaha?!) Below, you can find an A4 colour rough and the finalised image in a real size (I chose A2 for most of finalised illustrations, double spreads).
Frank's favorite pages
The sketch club members so much enjoyed my explanations. Wonderful to catch up nice friends. I'll pop up meetings after the exhibitions.
Dear fine artists friends came : Jane Bennette and Linda Joyce. They encouraged me so much. Particularly, Linda has been supporting me for ages.
Jane Bennette in red
Linda Joyce
Kristie, Wesley Mission and I have been working on "Building Dreams" project to adovcate people with disability by art since 2014. The project is growing. I'll see our clients in a workshop at CCGallery this Monday. Victoria, Marrickville Council too, has been supporting the Moon project for a year!
Left to Right : Kristie (Wesley Mission), Sadami, Victoria (Marrickville Council)
You see Moon was not created only by either me or Matt. A picture book is a fruit of so many people's work after a looong struggle. Any art activities, too, are precious results of team work and people's help.
This exhibition will go on until 2nd Nov.
Watercolour Painting Workshops : Open to a community. I welcome people with disability. Booking essential. Contact : skonchi1@gmail.com
Tue 27th Oct 2-3:30 pm 10 adults
Fri 30th Oct 10 - 11:30 am 10 adults
Fri 30th Oct 3:30 – 4:30 pm 10 children
Free. Materials are provided.
Wheel access, accessile tolilet, 1 disabled parking spot is available.
Come and see me at Chrissie Cotter Gallery!
Friends, Happy Painting! Thank you for your great friendship!!

Moon Exhibition Opening and New Chapter of My Career