Spotlight On..Sadami Konchi
Sadami Konchi is a self-taught artist who has been drawing and painting since childhood. Sadami was one of the highly commended artists in the recent AAA Art Competition. Arts Access Australia put her in the spotlight…
Brief biography about you…All of a sudden, put on the earth. I’ve kept living on, to know why I was put on the earth!
What are you working on at the moment?
I am currently working on a picture book, an illustration project and portraits.
How did you get into art?
I had already started enjoying drawing and painting before I started kindergarten.
What is the worst job you’ve ever done?
Drawing secret graffiti and cartoons during math class at junior high. (The work, itself, was not bad at all. This romantic young girl was drawing a kissing scene). I wondered why the class was dead silent and where the teacher had gone. It turned out the teacher was standing RIGHT beside me, silently with a big smile. I blushed up like a tomato! Next moment, I got a slap on the head although I became a hero to my classmates.
What is a usual day for you?
Each day is special and full of adventures. Friends can have a laugh, saying “Can’t you stay calm or between extremes?”
What is your biggest challenge as an artist?
Challenging myself. Exploring who I am and becoming who I can be best on this earth.
Who is your hero?
Everyone. I love looking at anyone. I feel beauty, something special, and make it in to portraits.
What is your favourite book / piece of art / play / performance (pick one) ever?
V.E.Frankl, (Auschwitz survivor, psychiatrist and philosopher) “Man’s Search For Meaning.” Frankl says that any suffering has a unique meaning for an individual.
Who would play you in the film of your life?
Pardon me. I do not get this question? Of course I’d play my role. (Ahahaha!)
Tell us a joke / secret (pick one)…
“My life” is the serious joke and is the secret ʚ(ˆ◡
Where can people find out more about you?
Stylefile(Sadami Konchi, picturebook Illustration at Australian Society of Authors)
Sadami Konchi Instagram
Sadami Konchi (FaceBook)
Sadami's Graffiti (Blog. Weekly show case for loose, spontaneous watercolour)
AAA, thank you for giving me the great back up. All and any artist with disabilities, come over AAA! Let us enjoy our lives fully!!

Did you enjoy it?
Thank you, Friends, I really want my hand to get well. My right hand still needs to see specialists. Minimize computer work, get rid of unnecessary movement and hand exercises are essential. (*With a left hand, I'm using a mouse.)
Yes, I'm working on the picture book project under the supervision of a wonderful mentor! I hope I will make it happen. With all my heart, I'd like to say, "Thank you, Friends!" and please forgive my "Holiday Leave" for blogging.
You, too, please take care and happy painting!!