Celebration for Dr Alexandra Grey, Dr Gary O’Neill's PhD completion and hurrah to Language on the Move team! Overcoming difficulty and loneliness, Alex has received a Macquarie
Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Academic Excellence and an Australian PhD
Prize for Innovation in Linguistics for her thesis on "How do languagerights affect minority languages in China?” Her very touching speech is in the last
paragraph of this post and here, Youtube, Macquarie uni graduation, April 24. (Alex’ speech starts at 1:13:35). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0y_kap8-mU
Being an artist is similar to academics, as it tends to be a lone work. What do you think, Friends? Me, too, have learned the importance of having a wise mentor, a good rapport/support system, stress buster techniques and a healthy self-trust or positivism/optimism which eventually helps creativity and turns out good work. We need to share tears and laughter with others to bear ups and downs. Alex's triumph encourages me. I deeply appreciate your friendship through blogging, which always lifts me up.
Being an artist is similar to academics, as it tends to be a lone work. What do you think, Friends? Me, too, have learned the importance of having a wise mentor, a good rapport/support system, stress buster techniques and a healthy self-trust or positivism/optimism which eventually helps creativity and turns out good work. We need to share tears and laughter with others to bear ups and downs. Alex's triumph encourages me. I deeply appreciate your friendship through blogging, which always lifts me up.
Wow, Alex, if you bump someone sketching Sydney uni, please smile at her, te-he. Take care and enjoy your journey in linguistics! Hope they will more explore linguistics and enjoy it. Congrats. Go, go, Alex!! You're shining! Language on the Move Team, Porf Ingrid Piller, I love you all!
Btw, I enjoyed the fun drawing above. I love portraits and caricatures like fun drawing, but I do not want to make extremely distorted images which could hurt models. In my eyes, each person is lovely and shining!
Friends, Happy Painting!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dr Alexandra Grey's speech
Doing a PhD, as Dr Grey states in her graduation speech, involves a lot of independent work and at times feelings of loneliness, and so, it can be difficult to succeed without a good support network of family and peers.
The Language-on-the-Move team proudly celebrates the graduation of Dr Alexandra Grey and Dr Gary O’Neill
The Language-on-the-Move team proudly celebrates the graduation of Dr Alexandra Grey and Dr Gary O’Neill
