Archibold prize is the oldest and most prestigious portrait prize in Australia. Any portraitist dreams to be a winner and a finalist. Of course, me, too. This year, 41 participants are selected out of 900 paintings. You can imagine how competitive it is. The winner is Ben Quilty, "Margaret Olley" (oil on canvas). Margaret Olley is the famous lady in art.
She did a model for Archibold 50 years ago as well. It has become a hot topic and public attention.
She did a model for Archibold 50 years ago as well. It has become a hot topic and public attention.

Often people encourage me to try Archibold. Of course, I want to try it. But always I feel these difficulties....
1) The entry condition, particularly, finding a model.
A subject is, preferably, "famous." So, often politicians, entertainers, sports players, etc, etc or big names in mass media.
I can hardly find a big name for my model. The quote from the entry form is below.
“preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in Art, Letters, Science or Politics, painted by any artist
resident in Australasia during the 12 months preceding the date fixed by the Trustees for sending in the Pictures”.
If it's hard to get a famous figure, another option is a self portrait. Mmm....I'm still thinking over it. (NOTE : A caricature is not appropriate for entry.)

a) size
Most paintings(oil & acrylics are a main stream) are huge like a big door or a wall. It always makes me sigh... My favorite size is A4.
b) framing
Archibald requires to frame watercolor work, while other work on a canvas does not need it.
Ouch!! It means a big work costs a watercolorist expensive. Honest, if a work does not get through a selection, is it possible to keep a huge frame like a wall...? Also, depends on work's colors, a frame should be changed. Not wise to spend a big money in framing each try.Another concern is a style.
The Gallery also exhibits "SirJohn Sulman Prize" and "Wynne Prize."
I looked through them all. Have a look of the web.
The honest impression... my style is not like contemporary art.
Many years ago, already my friends said, "You have to make something sensational and controversial to get into it." I feel a difficulty to follow a stylish trend.
So far, I've determined to challenge any prize in my own way and keep my own style. I assume fame and money will not come to me. BUT I feel many people love my sketches and watercolor on streets. I'm very happy. Be what I am -- is the most important for me ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ .
Oh, lastly, Friends, I'll show you a very funny and satirical work. In the Sulman prize, have a look of Ms Peta Morris, "An old English breakfast." She cut out an English royal family and put them into a tea set: tea bags, a pot & cups! Clever! Very subtle!!

Thank you for cheer up that enables me to move on.
Have a wonderful week and happy painting.
Just stopping in to say Howdy. Will come back to read later. I have family coming to lunch. The drawings looks terrific as usual--love the one of the people looking at the painting. You are a wonderful illustrator.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely love Churchhill (?) and his bulldog both with cigars!!!
ReplyDeleteHola Sadami, quizás nunca ganes el Archibold, pero seguro que pronto serás una afamada ilustradora,y llegaran los premios , sin cambiar tu estilo , como dices a la gente le gusta como pintas, a mi también, y esto es lo principal, el reconocimiento profesional llegará , porque eres muy buena, la prueba esta en estos últimos bocetos, la caricatura fantástica,
ReplyDeleteYo te doy el Premio Marrouch 2011, enhorabuena.
Perhaps we should start our own prize, Sadami ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Sadami Special... and it should be given to anyone who could paint on A4 and have at least 100 ordinary people say "that's wonderful"
My dear friend, you would win, year after year.
Absolutely keep your own style! It is so delightful and wonderful. Nice to dream and try new things but most of all...Love what you are doing!
Hi, Linda,
ReplyDeleteThank U so much. Enjoy "family" lunch:)!! Look forward to your post.
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Jean,
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yes, it's Churchil. Very happy to know you like it. I enjoy cartoons, too.
Cheers, Sadami
Oh, Francis,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Your encouragement and kind say nearly makes me cry in joy. I'll never forget this great prize, "Marrouch Award 2011" andn your comment. In a practical view, probably, I'll never win Archibald. BUT I'll keep up my style. Yes, I like as my paint!!
Best regards, Sadami ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ
¡Oh, Francis,
Muchas gracias. Su ánimo y clase dicen que casi me hace llorar de alegría. Nunca olvidaré este gran premio, "Premio Marrouch 2011" andn su comentario. En un punto de vista práctico, probablemente, nunca voy a ganar Archibald. Pero voy a mantener mi estilo. Sí, me gusta que mi pintura!!
Saludos cordiales, Sadamiʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ
>>>>Francis said...
Sadami Hello, may never win the Archibold, but it sure will soon be a famous illustrator, and arrived awards, without changing your style, and tell people you like as you paint, me too, and this is most important, recognition professional will, because you are very good, the proof is in the last sketch, caricature fantastic
I give you Marrouch Award 2011, congratulations.
Oh, Pat, you're so kind!! You are also the winner of Sadami Special year after yearʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ.
ReplyDeleteThe comment really encourages me. Thank you very much. Go, Sadami, go~~!!
Hugs&warm regards, Sadami
Dear Teri,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I thank for Lord that I could meet such a nice friend like you through blogging. You, too, keep up wonderful your style that brings us joy.
Cheers, Sadami
every one of your sketches/paintings is a marvel! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteAfter all those wonderful comments I can only agree: Sadami, keep your own style! I love what you are doing and I love visiting your blog! xxx Judy
ReplyDeleteDear Celeste,
ReplyDeleteYou, too, make wonderful paintings!! Keep make us happy with your work!
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Judy,
ReplyDeleteI'd really appreciate your encouragement. Hope I'll keep my style and move forward.
Best wishes, Sadami
Self portrait it should be. You and you're work are famous here in the blogworld. Framing...plexiglas sandwich held together with six brushed chrome clips...Size approximately three feet by three feet...a series of watercolor self portraits...journalistic....sized to go together in a random pattern like a patchwork quilt--size of quilt twenty four by twenty four inches allowing a clear 6" border of plexiglas all around. a block adhered to the back of the structure to make it float away from the wall...Just some old designers thoughts. Kick 'em around. Painting in units is a way to make a larger painting. Plexiglas and clips cheaper than framing that size. Talk to framing guys; they do Plexiglas. It comes non-glare. Poke it. You want to do it. Everybody here thinks you can. Do it.
ReplyDeleteStay true to yourself Sadami, it's the best thing!
ReplyDeleteOh, Dora!!
ReplyDeleteThanks millions! Yes, I will. I'm Sadami, not enyone else.
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Linda,
ReplyDeleteThanks millions! Your suggestion has a practical approach--I'll print it out and talk to the art supply regarding "plexiglas sandwich held together with six brushed chrome clips" & ask the Gallery if they accept unified paintings as one work or not.
Thank you so much. I want to believe in my ability, but also be true to myself at the same time! I'll take time.
Kind regards, Sadami
Claro que sí, Sadami. Tú tienes tu estilo propio...y, muy bueno! Me gusta mucho, como a todos los que comentamos en tu blog. Te queremos! Qué más quieres?
ReplyDeleteQuieres fama? Eres feliz? son las preguntas que yo me haría. Yo, ya tengo la contestación para mí: No busco la fama y soy muy feliz con lo que hago y tener unos cuantos amigos que les gusta lo que hago. Lo tengo todo!!!!
Creo que tu también.
Ah! ese dibujo del señor y su perro son GENIALES!!!!!!
Un beso.
ReplyDeleteI loved this post because you said, almost everything, which I also think! ...
honestly, I do not find this type of art as "SirJohn Sulman Prize" and "Wynne Prize."
Keep it up, being an artist super sensitive, insightful and competent! The important thing is to do what we like! I admire you very much! I think this opinion is unanimous from all your followers!
Congratulations for the watercolors of this post,the first is a show, the cartoon is great! and as that, presenting the award-winning screen .... is brilliant!
and I thought it was a draft of winning ....
when I opened the link! surprise! ;))))) aiaiaiaiai.....
a big big hug, dear Sadami
take care :)
see you soon!
Oh, dear Joshemari,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much and I'm very happy to be loved by others!! I cannot demand anything more. I really agree with you. Rather, I'm so proud of myself beloved by many people, young & old, any contries people.
But here's a dilemma for a professional artist who must sell works to earn money and needs to convince galleries with entitlements in order to have exhibitions. I only had a few awards with a traditional style. What galleries said to my profile & C.V was, "Old fashioned style. Not what we search for" and...turned me down. At that time, the onset of the disability, I could not walk well and gave up seeking a gallery. But uni professor encouraged me to use a blog to show my work--is the true story of setting this blog.
I'm just having an artist friend with a same mind to have a "together exhibition," if we can. I have no idea how to do it, but I'd like to invite friends.
Joshemari, I'm very happy as long as I can paint and draw! Hahaha, I'm ready to die in poverty without a fame. Thank you for the really wonderful encouragement!!!
A kiss&Hugs, Sadami
¡Oh, querido Joshemari,
Muchas gracias y estoy muy feliz de ser amado por los demás! No puedo exigir nada más. Estoy muy de acuerdo con usted. Más bien, estoy tan orgulloso de mí mismo amado por muchas personas, jóvenes y viejos, toda la gente Contries.
Pero aquí hay un dilema para un artista profesional que debe vender las obras para ganar dinero y tiene que convencer a galerías con derechos para tener exposiciones. Sólo tuve algunos premios con un estilo tradicional. ¿Qué galerías dijo a mi perfil y CV, "estilo pasado de moda. No se lo busque" ... y me dio vuelta hacia abajo. En ese momento, la aparición de la discapacidad, no podía caminar bien y renunció a la búsqueda de una galería. Pero el profesor uni me animó a utilizar un blog para mostrar mi trabajo - es la verdadera historia de la creación de este blog.
Estoy con un amigo artista con una misma mente que un "conjunto de exposiciones," si podemos. No tengo idea de cómo hacerlo, pero me gustaría invitar a amigos.
Joshemari, estoy muy feliz como siempre que puedo pintar y dibujar! Jajaja, yo estoy dispuesto a morir en la pobreza sin la fama. Gracias por el aliento realmente maravilloso!
Un beso y abrazos, Sadami
>>>Joshemari said...
Sure, Sadami. You have your own style ... and very good! I love, like everyone who commented on my blog. We love you! What more do you want?
Want fame? Are you happy? are the questions that I would. I, I have the answer for me: I do not seek fame and I'm very happy with what I do and have a few friends who like what I do. I have everything!!
I think your well.
Ah! that picture of man and his dog are GREAT !!!!!!
A kiss.
Dear Denise,
ReplyDeleteOh, really thank you so much for the encouragement and cheers up. Very happy to know you & many blog friends have the same view.
"being an artist super sensitive, insightful and competent!" is true. "The important thing is to do what we like!" is my mantra. I'll keep up my style and go my own way with your cheers.
A big,big hug&smileʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ!!!
Oh, I hope I'll be able to see the exhibition when it gets to Melbourne. Your painting of the painting very good :).
ReplyDeleteEnjoy doing what you love :)...
Dear Evelyn,
ReplyDeleteThank U! Yes, have fun. I'll go my own way!!
Cheers, Sadami
Hola Sadami:
ReplyDeleteEres la ganadora moral de todos los premios a los que te presentes. Tus seguidores te lo damos. ¿Disfutas con lo que haces? Si...pues no hace falta nada más. Ser feliz con lo que uno realiza.
Un abrazo y estamos contigo.
Dear Montse,
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you so much for the great encouragement. I'll keep your say always in my heart and mind. Sure, love and friendship are the real and the most precious awards on the earth.
A big hug&smile, Sadami
Querida Montse,
Oh, muchas gracias por el gran estímulo. Voy a mantener tu opinión siempre en mi corazón y la mente. Claro, el amor y la amistad son los verdaderos y los galardones más preciados en la tierra.
Un fuerte abrazo y una sonrisa, Sadami
>>>Montse said...
Hello Sadami:
You are the moral winner of all prizes to which you present. Your fans will give it. "have respect for what you do? Yes ... it does not need anything else. Be happy with what one does.
A hug and we are with you.
really greats works, you are very talented
ReplyDeleteDear Laura,
ReplyDeleteThank you. You're always so generous of kind words. You, too, have a wonderful talent!!
Kind regards, Sadami
Hi Sadami,
ReplyDeleteI often wonder why paintings are chosen as winners in some competitions. I don't want to be judgemental... but please! Some of them... well, as one little old lady said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" So I'll keep my thoughts on that subject to myself!
But your art is delightful! Colorful! Uplifting and thoroughly enjoyable! Three Cheers for You! (and to heck with Archibold) ;-)
Dear Teresa,
ReplyDeleteThank you soooo much! I'm thinking of your lovely and caring commenet.
I just keep up my own style.
Your three cheers are my precious treasures!!
Kind regards, Sadami
Dear Sadami,
ReplyDeleteI know how you might feel. Unfortunately, watercolour is still the Cinderella of art's competitions and it is often disregarded and considered a minor art. As far as Archibold prize is concerned, I find it rather pretentious and I wouldn't give too much thought about being stylish or not.
Do we paint to become famous whatever the cost? If so, I wouldn't call it art but business.
We'd rather stay true to ourselves and follow our bliss. As Picasso pointed out : 'The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls'. This is what really matters. Hugs
Dear Anna,
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo happy to got your encoruagements. Very much agree with you!!!
But here's a dilemma. In Australia, if I call myself a portraitist and want to "set an enough charge", Archibold prize is a useful evil. Society and galleries often demand me to show entitlements(*I have only a few). Yes, your say is right. It's business, not art.
I wish I could paint/draw as much as possible without a concern of a financial difficulty...
Thank you, Picaso's say is my favorite one, too. Actually, I've put it in a kitchen:)!
I'll stay honest with myself. Cannot sell my soul for 30 Drachma. If I'm lucky, I may get some entitlements. That's all.
OK, Anna, I'll tell others, "I'm ready to die in poverty," but happy. I hope one day I can see you in person!! Yey!!
Big hugs&smile, Sadami
wonderful. i linked you in my blog:
Sadami, you are amazingly talented illustrator! I love every single painting of yours
ReplyDeleteDear Giancarlo, Laura, Carlo, Francesco,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Your blog is very lovely and full of joy for creative activities.
Me, too, I'd like to keep up my own style.
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Maria,
ReplyDeleteThank you. You, too, are a wonderful artist who makes so lovely and beautiful watercolors.
Cheers, Sadami
your own style is wonderful Sadami ! I love your
ReplyDeletework so much ! go on and share with us your
sketches and your words! this is great !
Dear Marty,
ReplyDeleteThank U for the great encouragement!! I'll keep my style and go on. I'll be true to myself.
Hugs&smile, Sadami
Sadami you are my heroine, I love your blog, your humor and wit, just be Sadami ...everybody loves her:-)
ReplyDeleteWinston Churchill with the dog.....fantastic!
Happy Easter ..all the best
Dear Jane,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!!! I'll just be Sadami, not anyone else.
You, too, Happy Easter!
All the best, Sadami
Sooo lovely, as always! Happy Easter, dear Sadami!
ReplyDeleteDear Cristina,
ReplyDeleteThank you! You, too, Happy Easter!
Cheers, Sadami
Hi, Sadami. Thanks for visiting my blog. Good Easter for you too. Um grande abraço.
Dear Ayde,
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Happy Easter!
Cheers, Sadami
Money, prizes, fame etc. These are things that could come or not. Meanwhile there are other equally interesting challenges to ourselves that perhaps could determine those. Thanks for sharing. Greetings
ReplyDeleteDear Carlos,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the deep thoughts and wise say with me. I'll go my own way!!...and ready to die in poverty, but happily!
Cheers, Sadami
I understand you perfectly Sadami, in a contest is hard to compete with a watercolor or acrylic paintings. The winner retato seems very expressionistic. I loved your version of the people admiring the winning. Your portrait with the dog breaks all the molds in a competition like this. Also do not believe much inthe contests so important. You have a deliciodo art and are a great artist great. Saludos.
ReplyDeleteDear Leovi,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!!! Your comments touches me and cheer me up beyond language. I'll be true to myself and do not weigh on prizes any more. Yey!
Kind regards, Sadami
Sadami, believe, keep up. Your work is a treasure ! Bises.
ReplyDeleteDear Olivia,
ReplyDeleteYes, I WILL!!! And yours, too!!
Hi Sadami, Peta Morris here, thank you for your comments and beautiful water colour of my work and all the other pieces you did. I am having a show June 11th at Art2muse gallery in Double Bay details will be up on the website on my profile page.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I am a she not a he, everyone gets confused as it is originally a boys name. Kind Regards, Peta
Dear Peta,
ReplyDeleteOh, so sorry for my mistaking, but thank you for kindness. Congratulations on your enter and the lovely work. I really enjoyed the work displayed. Looking forward to your upcoming showʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ.
Best wishes, Sadami