Yahoo! Friends, how are you?
The right hand gets better! Thank you for warm cheers.Now, Victoria Cancer Council calls for Art Awards for Entry.
The theme is "Strength."
Digital entry. Art work from overseas is OK.
Entries close :
5pm, 27 April 2012
Entry fee: $10 per entry. No entry fee for entrants 18 years and under and Indigenous artists.
The mark and the link is the courtesy of Victoria Cancer Council.
I have the same treatment like people with cancer and leukemia.Sometimes, cancer patients and I have a chat over life. Nothing different between cancer patients and me.
The point is how to live this life fully.
I'd spend time in creating something rather than complain about the disability in the leg. I'm a practical realist.
The below is my favorite prayer.
Lord, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
wisdom to know the difference.
Also, experiences have taught me that self-trust and confidence makes an optimistic attitude or keep up hope. Sometimes, the weak leg makes me sad, as I work hard on exercises that do not improve it. But I do not worry. People call me "Very positive."
Well, I've learned...
When life gives me lemons...
I make lemonade!
Hahahaha, a good sense of humour makes our world happy.

BTW, I'm seeking different approachs in watercolour not to get stuck in mannerism!I really enjoyed this sketch. Especially, this baby's eyes and the face caught me. Ah, life!! Full of life!!
But I'd remake it with a background or with a different approach. Sadami, fearless! Try "new."

Thank you for kind regards. Have a wonderful day.
Take Care and Happy Painting!!

Call For Victoria Cancer Council Art Awards 2012