Interested in purchasing art work? Please leave a comment with your email address. I'll contact you. Illustration work is available at ASA "Style File."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Through 1st Round World Watercolour Competition!

Very good news, I'm ONE of 600 artists selected from all over the world! WOW!! I got through the first round for the world biggest international watercolour competition held by "The Art of Watercolour" magazine!!!

The submitted works are two. The letter does not tell which got through. 

The notice is below. 
"Dear Artist friend,
The first selection stage of the World Watercolour Competition is now over. You were approximately 2,000 artists from 80 countries to take part in the competition.

The significant number of participants shows how much you were involved in this event aiming at highlighting watercolour and watercolour artists throughout the world. We deeply thank you for it.

After the first validation of the registration forms, we are pleased to inform you that you have successfully passed the first selection stage of the World Watercolour Competition organised by the magazine The Art of Watercolour."

Here's the info. I'm certain many blog friends have seen this ad on net, haven't you?

This is the wesbite on the comp. Big prizes, offered articles+exhibition for winners.

Q&A = entry condition
yes, they do until 4 rounds.

In addition, the competition entry condition is very tolerant.
1) any subject, any style will do
2) watercolour dominant but also with any medium use will do
3) works created in the past five yrs
4) 2 paintings
5) anyone can submit work
6) no fee for a first round
I'm certain so many, really tens of millions watercolourists, armatures, other medium artists tried. 

Oh, too good to be true. Pinch me! Ouch!! Yep, true! 
Then, a second round will soon start in a next year. Only 250 will be left for a second stage.

What a wonderful way to end the year and start 2014. 
This achievement encourages me so much. (*They do selection until five rounds. So, I do not expect I will get through them. But very happy, I'm one of 600 prestigious and honoured artists in the world!)

I've been working on the picture book project as you know. But I want to work on figures, too in 2014. 

Friends, thank you for your warm cheers that have enabled me to go forward in 2013. Oh, I cannot depict with a language how much blogger Friends, YOU have backed up me. My achievements are, in fact, yours, too. BTW, I have a sore right hand and will consult a specialist in 2014. So, please allow me to take a rest well and keep patience for a new post in 2014.  
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!
Friends, Happy, Happy Painting!



Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Carol & "Fair Go" Sketching

I've submitted colours done so far. A short break! Yey!
Now, a Christmas season! I love listening to Christmas carols, especially, organised by school kids! Oh, their voices are so cute and beautiful. (*I personally believe their chant is an angels' hymn!) Audience appreciate their singing and dancing. Certainly, children have practiced for so many hours. We should say special thanks for teachers, too. 

When school children realise my sketching, they have a great interest in me. Some pupils nudge each other and wave at me. (Hey, kids, look at your teacher, not me!) After the choir, they dash to me. 
"Can I have a look?" Sure, why not!
They try to guess my models and tell each other, "That's you." I was sure that modeled children would be happy and not focused kids could get disappointed. That bummer was easily gussed before sketching. So, I did a bit "trick"!

BTW, Friends, have you ever heard of a "fair go"? In Australian English, "fair go" implies equal rights and egalitarianism.
According to a Macqrie dictionary, 
In Australian and New Zealand English, (Colloquial) 
Noun 1. a fair or reasonable course of action :
Eg) Do you think that's a fair go?
2. a chance to get on with something without interference or distraction :
Eg) The chairperson pleaded for silence and a fair go for the speaker.
Interjection 3. an apeal for fairness and or reason.
Eg) Fair go, mate!
Friends, do you notice something in the sample sentences above, particularly, in conversations? Yes, a speaker asks/demands a information reciever to do a right thing in a speaker's disadvantaged contex and unfairness.
Now, you get a phrase, "fair go" user actually wants for justice, equality and accesibility of resources. So, a "fair go" comes up in a welfare, a social system, politics, sports and almost in any Ausrtalian social phases. It is an interesting expression and a controversial topic from time to time in Australian society. 

Back to the topic, sketching! I do fair go sketching for kids. How do I do it? I secretly mixed up some children's appearances and made one picture. I do not choose a specific child for a model! Yes, it means my singing child is no one in the choir. I keep it private for children and just let them guess as they like. (they are having a fun to guess who's who.)
A brave boy asks (commands?!) me to "Draw me!" Sorry, dear, I cannot pick up one person. "Fair go."
Regarding fair go, may that phrase will be fully achieved in society. Christmas is really a lovely time in a year. A city is full of love, joy and fun. We enjoy parties, catching up, family reunion, exchanging cards, charities and events. I hope we can keep this sweet feeling whole through the year, every day. May love, peace and fair go will pour out on the earth. 
Thank you so much for warm cheers and a great patience for a new post.
Friends, Happy Painting!

**In addition, a "Macquarie dictionary" is our nation pride! That's the best dictionary on Australian English and edited by Macquarie uni in Sydney. If anyone wants to study Australian English, look up a Macquarie dictionary! And my hidden hobby is reading dictionaries. Cheers, wink, wink.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Picture Book Ilustrator's Essential Skills

The picture book illustration is at the stage of "colour", my most favorite work, even though sometimes not easy and quite demanding. The picture book project is ongoing with the publishing team's great support, particularly, Editor and Mentor. 

BTW, you may wonder what sorts of abilities and skills an illustrator needs. OK, in my experience, main essential skills for a children picture book illustrator are 
1) Interpretation skills of a text
2) Drawing/Art skills, 
3) Communication/group work skills, 
4) Guts and energy to get through a long term project.  

1) Interpretation skills
In interpretation skills, the key point is how uniquely depict a story in an original methods/style with a children-kind way. Information flow is critically important.
Have your vision in these elements : 
a) character design, b) setting, c) page structure & book design etc.
A picture book illustrator is much like a film director. 

In the portrayal of a story, an illustrator's originality and creativity comes up. A text analysis is a requisite ability, but not enough for interpretation. Based on a text analysis, an illustrator clarifies a theme, highlights a drama and, even, develops a plot. So, interpretation requires deep and broad knowledge in everything. In order to support your text interpretation, data collection is necessary. Good research skills are essential.

Also, a children centralised interpretation is vital. Observe how children respond to varied picture books at a library or else where. Some picture books win kids' hearts. Contrary, others do not please children. For example, look at different children picture books on a same story. Compare them and consider why some are more successful and why others are not. I carefully examine factors in picture books and learn lots. If you illustrate a story, how will you illustrate it in a children and young readers kind way? 

2) Drawing/Art skills
In order to express your unique concepts on papers, good drawing skills are indispensable. Illustration bridges between a text and imagination. Studying drawing is never-ending and daily exercise. You know I always sketch and do experiments on streets and in a studio... some of them have come up in this blog! 

3) Communication/group work skills 
Good communication skills are essential. Creating a picture book is a group work. An illustrator collaborates with an author, an editor, a book designer, sales and marketing staff. Each participant needs patience, energy and time. In the process of illustration, an order of "Change" or "Correct" an image comes up often. So, be open minded and flexible. Respect and thank for each team member. It's crucial to work closely and harmoniously with others. 

Now, you need...
4) Guts and energy to get through a long term project
Friends, love a text! Fall in love with a story!
A picture book project takes several months (minimum!) or always a year and often uses years. Sometimes, we feel down and out. A big name illustrator asked me seriously, "Sadami, tell me, how can you always keep yourself high? How could you be so happy to get on the work?" 
BECAUSE I love the given text, I can get back to the work with joy. 

OK, Friends, like we've chatted above, simply good drawing skills are not enough to be a children picture book illustrator. Must-haves are particularly, unique text understanding ability, deep and broad knowledge, distinguished art skills, practical social skills and enthusiasm. 
In addition, many editors are originally from education and linguistics. This is no joke that I've bumped into editors and authors through the network in linguistics and university academia. What a small world! Life long and incessant learning is essential, too.

Thank you for a big response to my last post. It seems you're very interested in the process of illustration a picture book. Although the project occupies me so much, I'd update my news "from time to time," hopefully, Monday. Please stay tuned.
Friends, Happy Painting!! 


Monday, November 11, 2013

Finalised Storyboard & Surprise Present from Editor & Mentor!

The meeting on a storyboard went so well! Publisher/Editor Helen Chamberlin and Mentor Ann James flew to Sydney from Melbourne. In the meeting, we decided ALL about the picture book : consequence, selection of images, colour, text position, a font size and book design for each page, covers and balance in all. It was the crucial and final step just before colour.

Publisher/Editor Helen, Mentor Ann and I closely looked at the dummy and colour roughs. Each page and consequence was checked in an entire story. We discussed any questions on every page. For me, very important to tell Editor/Publisher and Mentor what I felt and thought honestly without any hesitation. My most concern was "pace and space." Each party mutually respected and carefully listened to each other. 

My whole body was ears. I so much concentrated on listening to their opinions and tried to write them down on a new dummy. In a very high tension. At once, Mentor Ann asked about my silence, "Is that shocking for you?" Oh, no, no, totally opposite! I was very interested in Helen and Ann's view. (* I found myself very open-minded and never have a wrong big pride! Good!) I was eager for advice to create a good book. Of course, sometimes, a different opinion came up, which actually brought us a fresh laugh! So nice!! I was so happy with this wonderful team. Really a blessing. 

We, three parties cleared up all questions and totally agreed with the direction to go. The position of a text was corrected and clearly allocated in all pages. A font size was nearly set and book designing was considered at the end of the debate. Mentor Ann gave me technical advice how to colour a text space in a page.

Superb Publisher/Editor Helen and Great Mentor Ann! So caring Ann started to reorganise a dummy for me, whilst I was talking with Helen. I began to write down findings on the dummy with Ann. Helen's sharp eye and a serious face eloquently showed how much she has loved this story like me and Ann. But they were so sweet for me. I complained, "You spoil me!" from a kitchen. I felt them smiling. A cute laughing sounded like a fresh breeze.
The discussion went on technical stuff. Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen really love my "freshness" and "colours." Their say was, in fact, a great encouragement and support for me. Yes, they want to see my lines and colours dancing on papers, neither being stiff nor dull. Yes, what they emphasised is my most strength. 

At the end, Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen ensured me to contact them, if any questions and different images come up in my mind. Yes, feel free to consult them with my images. Brilliant! Publisher/Editor and Mentor really respect me, Illustrator. They want me to be Sadami fully in this project.
I thank for Lord that I could get such wonderful people to work together. 

Friends, got surprised? We do spend such a huge energy, time, enthusiasm and love in creating a picture book. It requires a great group work. So, be a flexible hard worker who can endure long "years" work. 

One more, a great surprise, a "birthday present" from Mentor Ann and Publisher/Editor Helen! Oh, Friends, Shaun Tan's new book, "Rules of Summer" (just published in Oct! Edited by Helen Chamberlin). Hey, Shaun SIGNED it and WROTE for me, "Happy Birthday, Sadami!" with a little cake cartoon on a title page!!!! Wow~~~! When I started my career, I met Shaun Tan at his book launch of "Arrival" in Sydney uni. After all audience had gone, I talked to him about his work and how he began a career. Shaun kindly answered and at once recognised my drawing skills (I sketched him!) and happily picked up my CD folio with a printed sample work. He encouraged me so much and hoped a bright future for my picture book illustrator career. 
(*Our picture book illustration lecturers, Donna Rawlins and Wayne Harris, encouraged us, students to organise a CD folio with a printed sample work. I certainly did both, although not many students made CDs at that time.)  
Shaun's Book Launch in Sydney Uni
Today, I'm right on a track. One day, I'd like to see Shaun again to say special thanks. Now, I happily open a next chapter for the project.  Go, colour!  I'll concentrate on the project. Pardon me, if I do not update each Monday. 
Friends, have dreams and make them come true.
Friends, Happy Painting!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Special Thanks for Birthday Cheers & Show

Hi, Friends, thank you for warm celebrations for my birthday. Oh, beyond language! I really had wonderful "days" (and still ongoing!) and ... have a clear head, without a hangover! 

Now, a busy season has started for exhibitions at the end of a year. 
Ku-Ring-Gai Art Society annual exhibition will have an opening this Friday. I put this work in a show. 
If you come near, come over. You can see me on a roster from 12 to 3 o'clock next Tuesday.  
St Ives Shopping Centre
29 October -10 November 2013
                                                    "LUV U" at Library 

Also, special thanks for your warm cheers for Victoria Cancer Council exhibition at Gasworks Arts Park. Manager Kim says, "The exhibition was a wonderful success and truly showed the variations but also the common themes of going through a cancer experience. I really think you are all very brave for sharing your with us and for that I really do thank you, Entrants." 
Anyone can join that exhibition, who has been involved with cancer. As I lost my friends from cancer and submitted the work. 
An annual exhibition is a wonderful event that certainly brings hope, comfort and encouragement for people affected by cancer.  
BTW, I'm preparing for a meeting with Editor and Mentor next week. I can't wait like a little child before Christmas! Very excited and so happy. Oh, what could I say, sooo happy! I seriously hope I will not have a heart attack from joy. Story boards, black & white, colour roughs are all in order. I keep exploring watercolour techniques. Below, a doodle just inspired me to use another technique for the illustration project. So, Friends, make lots of doodles. You'll find interesting effects and get ideas.  

Thank you for warm encouragements at my rainy days and sunny days. I do appreciate silent support for me, too.  
You, too, please take care and enjoy drawing. 
Friends, Happy Painting!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Loose Up Life Drawing & My Birthday

Hi, Friends, enjoying life? My birthday is next Tuesday (thank u, Lydie, you already celebrated it in a comment!). So, instead of next Monday, I upload this post for a make up (= I'm not sure I can post with a hangover).  Also, Editor will come. We'll talk over the project in person at the beginning of November. I'm preparing for it. Lalalala~~~ ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ·.•*•♫°•♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ

Now, a life drawing class, no tutor, has started. I'd share tips to loose up watercolour life drawing on A2 in a very short time ( = in 1, 5, 15 or 20 minutes). 

1)  The lesser, the better, brush stokes are.
Don't overwork, is a rule of thumb. If you wonder more strokes or not, "Stop it" is a wise option. Actually, no time to think twice in 1 minute! 

2) Limited Palette & Have Your Own Colours
The lesser, the easier, to unify colours in a busy work. Try one colour to study value and movement. Then, pick up your favorite colours to work on in longer minutes. Selection of colours demonstrates your uniqueness and style. Find your own colours.
1 minute

Well, I often pick up too much fresh paints in a big hurry and paint thick on papers. But it comes out more vivid, stronger and much clearer than ever, see below. Her sharp eyes and a scarf's green caught my eyes. Look at her intense eyes! *When I get tired, I SECRETLY sketch other members!! Hahaha, we enjoy results over coffee. 
... and I'll lose my friends one after another?! Gulp.

3) Control of water & Know Colours
Control of water is the key for successful watercolour. Each colour has a character like a person. It behaves differently with varied amount of water on paper. To maximise a colour's personality, amount of water is crucial. It's an adventure to manage how much brushes pick up water.
Of course, lots of messes are essential. It's fun for me to taste messes. Yum! I always find something useful! Remember Beethoven did not compose nine symphonies at once. Michelangelo did not make Cysteine chapel at the beginning of a career. All great masters are great hard workers. "Love creating messes" is a watershed to divide people who enjoy life with self-esteem from people end up in regret

4) Big Paper is all your playground 
Drawing is a physical exercise! Don't be shy. Move well and use your body, arms, hands, feet, everything rhythmically. Then, you can be stress free! 

5) Drawing Skills & Painting Outcome go hand in hand 
Ultimately, drawing skills decide any painting's result and level. 
I've found the quicker, the better a result comes up, because I very much concentrate on work and make a right and brave decision. Next time, I'll try 20 minutes work with the speed spent in 1 minute work. 

Regarding papers, please use qualified papers even for practice (the thicker, the better). Practicing expensive papers looks wasting money, BUT no! It's the short cut to know papers and learn how to use papers = technically, you'll get better more effectively! 
Talking of me, thin papers are for really a quick job and save money. 300gsm are for interesting subjects and for washes. 
In a class, I'm very happy and never demand myself too much. When I make "one" favorite work, I celebrate it with members. When I joined the class, I challenged watercolour life drawing for the first time. I get faster and faster to organise work. Brushes dance merrily on papers. Friends, challenging is nice! In addition, you will find your own way. Other people's ways are, eventually, for others. 

BTW, I got myself an easel for a birthday present. Ahem! I found a brand new one at Vinnie. Can you guess how much it was? Hehehehe, I'll answer it later. 
Friends, have a wonderful day.
Happy Painting! Lalalala~~~ ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ·.•*•♫°•♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ Ah, party, party! 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Be You. Be Proud of Being Different (2washes, figure sketches)

"Have your own colour(s)" is my motto (= build up your own style). The other day, I was invited to an anti racism symposium in City. On the way home, I popped up a friend artist's studio (sculptor) and enjoyed a chat. But another young artist standing outside looked not so happy. I talked to him. 
A young man does photography and drawing. He pretended to be ok in art work and said, "I made a half way through drawing months ago. I have to finish it." I gently smiled and responded, "No, not, I "have to," but I "WILL."" My say opened his heart. The young artist realised, "Oh, not obligation, but my own will. I will!" 

I also told, "Many people and children come talk to me, when I sketch outside. In my observation, after 6 yrs old, kids begin to compare themselves with others. They get hurt by other people, parents and care givers comments. Furthermore, children get a huge pressure to be perfect in this terribly competitive society. Then, they  stop drawing.
The artist carefully listened to me. His body language and face expression showed some reluctance and half trust in me. But he appeared to ponder about himself. 
Key Speaker

I continued, "No, that's not right (,kids stop drawing). Don't need to be perfect. Be you. Make tons of messes. Joy must come first." The artist beamed and began to repeat what I said like his digesting. Seeing is believing. I showed him my sketchbook. The sketchbook has many messes and nice sketches. "There's no magic. I keep sketching everyday. A few minutes is enough. Who can draw like Michelangelo from the beginning?" My say assisted the artist to find himself hurt, lacked confidence and stranded in the huge expectations from himself and others.The young man picked up the point from my say and summarised it in his own words, "Be nice to myself!" Yes!

To a big surprise, the artist suddenly took my hand and kissed twice like a noble knight! "I needed your say! I needed it! I'll make a mess! Lots of messes!! I'll do it," he claimed with full of joy. Brilliant. Oh, the young man looked so happy, which made me very happy, too.
The artist said with a beautiful smile, "See you! Next time, I'll show you my drawing!" Good!!!

I know, Friends, you might say, "Hey, Sadami, you write the similar stuff." But I often come across too many people suffering under heavy pressure in society.
So, I'd say,  "Be you and be proud of being different." We do not need to be someone else, but be ourselves.
Friends, Happy Painting! 


Monday, October 14, 2013

Capture Waves Rough and Calm

Hi, Friends, which season are you enjoying? We enjoyed a long distant swimming at Narrabeen. I sketched a sea. So, these are the souvenirs for you.

Have you ever tried capturing waves with watercolour? In my eyes, a sea is not simple blue at all. Waves have several colours and dramatic movements that create value. So, an ocean's mood always fascinates me. A careful observation of waves helps to capture a pattern of movements and decides positions of varied colours.
The first sketch was done around four to five before a sunset (*NOTE we're having a day time saving!). Nearly black-like, very dark blue interested me. In parallel, a sky gets dark.
The second sketch was created in a very day time. Greenish cerulean blue was most eye catchy. It reminded me of fresh mint. I had a deep breath and enjoyed the mood. The mood is very different between them. The day time ocean looks very cheerful, as if it were laughing below. In contrast, the evening sea looks serious.
Which one do you like more? My friends seem to prefer the first one. 

People often came to me and asked questions. Most questions were...
Q1) "How do you draw?"
No. I just draw some "lines." The lesser, the better or more comfortable for me. Once, get on colour, colours tell me which next and where to put strokes to build up a value.
Q2) "How long?"
30 minutes to 1 hour. Try not to do overwork. Within 30 minutes is preferable.
...and "What media?" That question puzzled me so much. Or is watercolour not known as I have expected?

The third sketch was done around 2 o'clock. It was so windy. Hard winds blew away waves' heads with no mercy. Swish! Fume and foam! It was amazing and beautiful. Oh, yes, sea sounds were so amusing and stirring. Hopefully, I can send you "some."
Waves are never the same. Changing sun light alters a sea's colour from time to time. Winds and clouds work together on its changing.
Many adults silently look at the dancing waves for a long hours...

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea”. Isak Dinesen quotes (pseudonym of Baroness Karen Blixen.) 
Looking at dancing waves washes away negative feelings, etc, whatever from a heart. Yes, refreshing our hearts, really. Probably that's why a sea has an indescribably deep colour that accepts anyone's emotions and silent talks...
Friends, come to a sea, chest off and set yourself free. In addition, well, all the people at a beach are friendly. As you can see high and big waves are popular among surfers.  

Technically, I also feel watercolour has no limitations to depict any subject and expresses our inner world. 
Let's explore watercolour more and more. 
Friends, Happy Painting!!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Parramasala Indian Festival & Multiculturalism

Hi, Friends, did you have any event? We enjoyed a Labour Day long weekend and summer time started! I joined Parramasala 2013, the annual Australian Festival of South Asian Arts that celebrates cultural diversity. Many events were free. Family and kids enjoyed Indian food, music, dance and film. Bollywood super star and world most popular actor, "Shahrukh Khan" did a close concert tonight in Sydney Olympic Park

I walked around the Masala markets, a stage and "Chai temple" set up for a rest, free music and family programs such as "storytelling time" like a library.  
It was lovely to see children and adults in ethnic costume proudly and naturally. Very colourful, see above. But any child behaves same! Whilst this girl's family were enjoying music on a stage, she really got bored. Oh, so cute and beautiful like a bloom outed flower!

Actually, this year, camels joined the event! They became super stars among kids...and me!! 

Wonderful to feel embraced multiculturalism. Multicultural Australia Council claims that since WWII, over seven million migrants have settled in Australia. Today, Australians speak more than 260 languages and identify over 270 ancestries. We, Australians are flourish in a wide range of linguistic and cultural diversity.

We danced and sang along to the music played on a stage. Hey, we got excited with  music and lights in the evening. Also, I became a friend with a guy who was in charge of stage lights. A very kind man! I always thank for backstage players and love them all. 
Different cultures and languages enrich our lives and society, while our universal language such as music and art always unites us. Oh, yes, kids were enjoying putting "paints" on boards to create a big drawing in a park. Nice, joyful and so peaceful! 
What about your countries, Friends? 

May Australia will maintain this rich cultural and linguistic diversity forever! 

BTW, wow, I've learned a lot about camels and how to organise value for a stage at night. I'll sketch forever!
Friends, Happy Painting!

A Multicultural Council (2012) "A Multicultural Australia," online.  

Dept Immigration and Border Protection (2012) "What is multiculturalism?" in National Agenda for a Multiculral Australia, online, media release. 



Monday, September 30, 2013

Stop @ Nothing

Hi, Friends, did you have a good weekend? We, friends got together for dinner. Nice!! Soon, we'll do it again and celebrate a friend and my birthday in October.
BTW, how do you keep upbeat in your work? I keep drawing. It's my way to produce momentum. Sketches are stimulus for my illustration and other watercolour. If I stop at a good work and get narcissistic, it'll be the end of my artist life. NOTE: In a healthy way, I appreciate achievement and enjoy taking a rest. BUT I do not either look back or cling to good results.  

I always seek for a new subject. This close up is my first challenge. Breast feeding is one of the most beautiful scenes on the earth. I'd like to develop this sketch. Hopefully, my brush will dance like this sketch. Mood and circumstance are fixed deeply in my memories. The sketch gives me an idea for composition. The drawing has become a seed for my future work. I'll foster it!   
 What do you think about illustration and reality? In my style, illo stays somewhere between soft imagination and concrete reality. This is my playing around or illo based on a sketch at a "supermarket." I felt my eyes were very aware of a picture book illo. The work is overworked though, it gives me a fresh idea to play with colours and direct painting. I also looked at a space in the work (*a real work is on A4 that has more space around this girl). In a picture book illo, space is critically important.  
Next try, I will fail better!
Good! That's what I wanted to keep -- "impetus." 
The girl's parents and I have become good friends. Nice! Always drawing brings me new friends. 

Non stop sketches are my driving force and raw data. Once, another illustrator asked me seriously, "Tell me how can you keep your energy? Why do you always fly high and get excited with the illo project (that often takes one or two yrs)?" Sadly, the illustrator was cursing at oneself that could not create an upbeating power any more. For me, drawing is the power for illo and fine art work.

Yes, for nearly 24 hrs I'm with a sketch book and ready to capture an interesting subject except sleeping?! (*Often a good new idea hits me when I wake up!) I sketch whatever interests me, even on a queue at a post office.
My simple belief is 
"Eventually, a hard working lay person will do more job than a lazy genius." 
I want to keep moving on and eschew mannerism.

Friends, Happy Painting! Stop at nothing~!
 (*My image of the lady from memory, who had enjoyed coffee with me in the last post.)  


Monday, September 23, 2013

Author, Illustrator, Editor

Friends, what do you compare a picture book illustrator and an author to? What about an editor? In the last post, I enjoyed a chat with one of foremost authors on a uni campus. I'd write more about what I've learned about publishing and picture book illustration in the conversation.
I compare an illustrator and an author to a composer and a lyricist. "Sometimes, people say which is more important. It's pointless. Illustrator composes music. Author and Illustrator sing together," I said. The lady completely agreed with my say.

Then, the lady and I happily went on together like a duet, 
"(Illustrator will) weave emotions into a text, respond to words and visualise a scene." 
This awesome author very well understands the importance to leave space for Illustrator to work on a text and clearly told me so. Yes, otherwise, Illustrator gets distracted and will lose her own visual images. 

So, Author and Illustrator need Editor, a director to work together like a conductor for an orchestra. Even though Illustrator is respected to work on a text, Author and Illustrator are a key and a lock that need each other. Two in one, eventually, work to create a picture book. 

Editor's job is, the lady depicted, to nurture Author and Illustrator. Editors do mothering us (*women are a majority in publishing indutry). I really appreciate Editor's work that is often at backstage and hardly recognised.  

After seeing the author, I came to know she has had a brilliant career as an editor, too!! (What a humble author! She pretended she did nothing as an editor.) The lady emphasised, "You're a visual person." Yes, I am!  I certainly feel how sensitive and so caring that great author and marvelous editor at the same time! The lady's profound knowledge of picture book illustration amazed me so much.

I'm working on rough colours for the project to check a colour balance on a storyboard in the whole pages.

An unexpected bonus. The lady encourages me to write stories like my mentor Ann says! The great author talked to me as if she were teaching me. Indeed, so! Special thanks for her!
"Invite me to your book launch. I look forward to it," she said at a good bye.  
Wow!! Her cheers were wonderful for me. Step by step, I come closer to my own dream.

Friends, Happy Painting! Make your dream come true.
