Hi, Friends, did you enjoy your weekend? I've got back to a trade picture book project and enjoy mentorship. A mentor from
Melbourne and I got together in Sydney and discussed
about the ongoing picture book project for "hours." A text
analysis, interpretation, storyboards and technical stuff. Now, we're
working on a storyboard again.
The text is difficult. With Author and Editro's help, I'm working on a storybaord. I feel this text is a poem rather than a story. That thought has inspired me.
A poem has beautiful "pace" in word. If this text is a poem, how I read out loud and illustrate it...? I,
a book lover, do not like too much illo in any poems. Readers want to
enjoy imagination and echo of words. Busy visual information is inappropriate. If I were a reader of this
beautiful poem, what sort of images will be enough and necessary? Where
will I stop and close eyes? Where will I look up a sky and enjoy the
sounds of words? etc, etc. Those thoughts help to re-organise a storyboard and I can be brave to cut off unnecessary images.
Also, yesterday, I saw my dear
friend and very experienced picture book illustrator -- more than 30 yrs career. We chatted over picture books, the friend's rich experiences, knowledge, my storyboards, dummies and colour etc, etc for hours. Fabulous. The friend encouraged me so much and generously shared techniques with me. It's wonderful to chest off and have a nice frined!
Creating a picture book is a
group work. It's brilliant to be well supported by a wonderful team and friends. Honest, I feel it's a tough time. But I'd get through it.
The key is the information flow in pictures. An illustrator can change lots in illo at the stage of roughs and story boards.
In addition, if you are interested in what mentorship is and how you can make it work, this is a good guide. "Getting Connected -- Making Your Mentorship Work," written by Hunter, M. published by Ausrtalia Council for Arts.
Friends, I've got a cold right now. So, please give me a bit time to get well.
Happy Painting and Drawing!
PS .
...I love black and white, too. The book signing is Sally Rippin.

Ongoing Picture Book & Mentor