Dear Friends,
I hope this book will give the public awareness of social issues. Topics are around us, here, there, everywhere in our daily life. The content and a review is below. That's what Ingrid has been passionately teaching and discussing with us for ages at uni. A great honour and joy that I worked this book cover. Kind Ingrid talks about my art work and why Lady Justice has ear muffs in Introduction. As well as this book, I hope we can advocate the disadvantaged in children picture books. Indeed, my admiring illustrators and authors are doing it!
Best wishes, Sadami
Linguistic diversity is a universal characteristic of human language but linguistic diversity is rarely neutral; rather it is accompanied by linguistic stratification and linguistic subordination.
Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice employs a case-study approach to real-world instances of linguistic injustice in liberal democracies undergoing rapid change due to high levels of migration and economic globalization. Focusing on the linguistic dimensions of economic inequality, cultural domination and imparity of political participation, this book offers a detailed examination of the connection between linguistic diversity and inequality in domains critical to social justice such as employment, education, and community participation.
- Prompts thinking about linguistic disadvantage as a form of structural disadvantage that needs to be recognized and taken seriously, and that warrants a serious public debate as to how it can best be mitigated
- Includes case studies from around the world
- Offers a conversational approach inviting readers to engage with linguistic diversity and social justice through the online forum Language on the Move
Early reviews
“This is a serious book on a serious subject. In a globalized world whose rhetoric celebrates linguistic diversity, Ingrid Piller shows that the reality is one of systemic inequality and disadvantage—and makes a strong argument that linguistic questions should figure prominently on the social justice agenda in the twenty-first century.” (DEBORAH CAMERON, Professor of Language and Communication, University of Oxford)
“A vivid, powerful, and sober analysis of how language serves to entrench injustice and create indefensible discrimination. Piller’s wide-ranging book should inspire and shock both the general reader and the research world.” (ROBERT PHILLIPSON, Professor Emeritus, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), and author of books on language policy, linguistic imperialism, and language rights)
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"Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice" is out now