Hi Sadami
Thanks for organising the watercolor workshop once again. Everyone who came has thoroughly enjoyed their session yesterday. Please find the photos attached for your reference.
Regards, Supervisor, Eastwood Library
Me, too, really enjoyed the workshop. I'd thank the library for giving me the wonderful opportunity. In the intro, I chatted about my disability that had opened a door to be an artist and encouraged children to keep their own language assets. I asked children to draw animals. "Any animals will do! From your imagination, that's perfectly alright! Any colour you can use!" I wanted to boost up their creativity and self-esteem, then I did demo. I hope my short talk would remain someone's heart.
20 children was an ideal number. Creative children made hibrid animals and creatures from imagination. We had a nice laugh and big smiles.
Some kids were slow and others were quick I expected. The librarian and I assisted each children. You can see the salt above the painting. An older girl talked to me, "In school, we used salt in a project." Her mother showed their work like a colourful big honeycomb that had salted colours in it.
Any creatures came up! I loved them all and visited each child. All kids smiled back and looked really happy, when they heard my positive feedback. Yes, I respected each child. They were so precious.
I assisted each child and encouraged all of them. Awwww! The fractured toe was very painful. I sweated too much and one kind girl asked me, "Are you crying?" No. (*You can imagine how much I was sweating!) But children and librarians' smile made me forget that sore toe. I walked around all the tables equally and kept cheering up each child. Great joy and fun!
Smoothly the workshop went on, because a kind librarian checked time and informed me when to wrap up. I ensured all children created at least one or two paintings. All children could finish at least two paintings. I showed each work to others and proudly claimed at the end, "All of you are heroes!" The outcome of paintings was very lovely and unique -- that was the objective I achieved. A wonderful reward was many children came and said, "Thank you, Sadami," with a fresh and heartily smile. Oh, daaarling, I love you all!
I really appreciate the support of librarians! "Team work!" the librarians joyously claimed. Indeed! I could not achieve such a wonderful event without their sensitive and strong help. Especially, after work, the librarians quickly packed up the materials and washed up all the dirties and made them shining! Good as new again!! (*I provided all materials.)
Friends, you can do community work in art.
Now, I'm focusing on the Socks booklaunch on next Sunday.
Happy Painting! Thank you for the warm cheers!

Workshop Great Success in Eastwood Library