Below, I'm wondering if I should stop here or add more colours on a model's shirt. I've suspended a brush in this work. What do you think, Friends? My own watercolour painting rule of thumb is "The lesser, the better." = Don't overwork. My most concern is that busy information will distract a focal point. I will take a break.
Today, I love colours more than black and white. My mentor Ann James says, "You're a colour person." True, yet, it has taken years to come to my level in a long journey. When I look back, "drawing" has been crucial. It has given me hope and strength to climb up a next step. I've started black and white drawing since high school and loved it so much (*loved drawing since childhood!). I did oil painting for a while and eventually converted to watercolour painting, because my colour use preferred transparent ones. But no one taught me how to do watercolour painting. I got stuck. Instead of watercolour painting, I began colour pencil drawing for some years and learned colour mixture and use. Then, I've moved onto or back to watercolour painting and to the present. Whole through the journey, I've kept on drawing, drawing, drawing. I'm a type of "Practice is more important than theory." I'll learn "how to" from lots of messes. I'm still learning about watercolour painting. You can teach me a lot!
Now, I'm getting busy with projects and preparing for events.
See you there, the Children's Book Council of Australia, NSW branch, Night of the Notables.
27 February 2018, 5.00pm for 5.30 - 7.00pm
Dymocks, 424 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Little Lunch creators — Danny Katz and Mitch Vane!
Also the incomparably wonderful Margaret Hamilton!! (yes, my mentor in the Pinerolo).
A FREE ticket is available.

Tada~~, only 3 weeks away until the 21st Biennale of Sydney opens (16th March -- 11 June 2018)! I'm excited and really looking forward to it. I hope I will assist visitors who need help, particularly, people with disability and non English speaking people. I hope all visitors will have wonderful memories. If you come to Biennale Sydney, please let me know. A FREE ticket is available.

Friends, Happy Painting. Enjoy your journey! Play with colours!