Interested in purchasing art work? Please leave a comment with your email address. I'll contact you. Illustration work is available at ASA "Style File."

Friday, January 11, 2019

Grant approved by Australia Council for the Arts

Celebrated author Libby Hathorn and I have gained Australia Council for the Arts, Literacy Grant to create a heartwarming picturebook on Japanese haiku establisher Basho and children. Thank you for a long strong support, all friends(=you!). Please share our joy. Libby, my mentors and AC celebrated it. I cried in joy. 

I want to make my dream come true. My dream is to create an Australian Classic picturebook in my life. I hope our picturebook will socio-culturally bridge between Japan and Australia. May any children will access it. The grant will give me an emerging illustrator, the big positive real step and a new horizon in a career. It will give me credit and job opportunities onward. This is my second grant experience, Friends, you know.
In 2015, when I got the NSW accessible Arts grant, I became speechless. I anyhow rang up mentors, Helen Chamberlin and Books Illustrated and shed joyous tears. And, the same feeling has happened on me this year. This time, I have a working partner, Libby!! Wonderful. On my facebook, particularly, people in publishing industry celebrate our grant news. I'll do my best for this project. 

I'll be a lifelong starter forever. Australia Council for the Arts already recommends me to try another grant application and mentorship programs they offer. I want to respond to their support and encouragement. AC has been cheering me up for ages since my debut. Really a lovely team. I want to grow as an artist and a person. 

I deeply appreciate my supporters :  Helen Chamberlin, Books Illustrated, Margaret Hamilton AM, Susanne Gervay, Dr Robin Morrow AM, Gail Erskine, uni lecturers, peak bodies/CBCA, SCBWI, ASA, NAVA, Accessible Arts NSW, WestWords, etc. We’ll do our best to produce a quality book! 
Thank you very much for your support, Friends!! 
Happy Painting and Happy Illustrating!


Monday, January 7, 2019

Publisher Helen Chamberlin Portrait

Picture book illustration projects keep me very busy. Look forward to our news. Always a mentor and publisher Helen Chamberlin has supported me for ages. Her personality motivates me to work on her portraits. Hope my work will show the inside of a model. I'll produce lots of portraits this year. 

Btw, my blog has many posts on children picture book illustration. You can look up the right side labels related to illustration from a basic structure/storyboard, a character design, roughs and a dummy book. I hope you will enjoy them. Me, too, a forever starter. Friends, let us learn together. Now, I'll get back to my studio! 
Best wishes, special thanks for visiting my blog.  


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! May 2019 be peaceful and fruitful for us, all. Thank you very much for a strong support, which is my energy to move forward this year. A first sketch this year and Sydney Harbour Bridge fireworks photo for you. I’ve been working on roughs, character design etc, etc. "謹賀新年"、今年もよろしくお願いします!
Thank you very much for all the friends who gave me a wonderful new years eve. Whoo, hoo!! Let’s enjoy our art adventures in 2019.
Happy Painting!  
