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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tamil Drumming Festival

Tamil Drumming Festival celebrated traditions and firsthand ancient music and cultures at Blacktown Arts Centre! This lady dances as well as playing! Amazing. Lovely to see players and audiences all smiling, chatting in their mother tongues, proudly and friendly.
Now, I can play a parai, one of the oldest drums! Thank you for teaching me.

Children were adorable and working so hard to play instruments. Some came from Adelaide or Perth. I really appreciate their come along such a long way.  

We enjoyed a range of exciting performances and beautiful, colourful folk dancing! One dancing symbolised a farmer's catch-up cow. Interesting. May these different cultures and languages stay flourishing forever on the earth.
Friends, happy painting! 


Monday, March 9, 2020

Capturing Movement and Beyond, Musicians

Capturing movements is equal to the ability of observation and drawing. Sketching musicians is my daily exercise of eyes and hands. After a drawing class in NSW Art Gallery, I enjoyed sketching a guitarist in a cafe. Music is the food of love and life. 
He and I passionately chatted over music, drawing and life. His father was a visual artist and painter. Life is beautiful and people are lovely. Sweet feedback came to me on FB. 
Jackie Hawkes you always capture the gentleness of life, Sadami
I always look for musicians on streets. I often sketch buskers at a weekend market. This lady was an accordion player. Again, she and I discussed about art, life and music. We shared joy and pain. It’s a great joy and honour to draw them. An individual personality and emotion comes up in a subject. 
Friends, enjoy drawing and painting everyday. Happy Painting!


Monday, March 2, 2020

Eel Festival 2020

An Aboriginal young dancer at Welcome ceremony in Eel Festival at Sydney Living Museum, Elizabeth Farm. Parramatta means "place of the eels" in Burramattagal language. So, this festival respects Indigenous people's culture and language and discovers the heritage. Lovely to see anyone hugging each other, having fun and smiling! 

The dance performers talked of the importance of equality and emphasised, "We're the same human beings." Yes, indeed. 

Thank you very much for modelling!
Your team's dance and music performance was great. 
Always people interest me most. A very hot day, but cool breezes were nice. 
Busy. Please pardon my laziness of blogging. But thank you very much for visiting and supporting. I've been working on the picture book projects, a book cover and portraits. Sketching like above is my break between projects at a weekend. They are my references at the same time. Also, very happy to see many blog friends have become big names in art industry. 
I'll strive for my own dream and want to achieve it. 
Friends, you, too, let us find our own ways and become "who I am" fully.
Happy Painting!  
