Despite rain, we got together and enjoyed sketching.
I also made some sketches yesterday before rain (lucky!).

OK, you and me, let's have a walk together in this huge Garden. Have a look of the map. Enlarge it, please. Get it? How big it is! For me, walking around is a very good job.
Opening: 7am to 6:30pm.

...and hopefully, I can over come my dislike of landscape during this adventure:).
Head to Government House and get to the end of the path to see Sydney Opera House.
From the Herb Garden to the Government House, there are beautiful greeny open fields full of biiiiiiig trees. How big? Good question! Trees are "monstrous" big or gigantic. Can you see a person under a tree? How small it is!

Still, we keep walking ahead. Now, left hand side, see "Government House." (*please see the first image and the map.) Hey, we have a castle in Sydney!! One more surprise is a freebie to see an inside. So, next time, I'll definitely see an inside and report you. Although a bit miserable to sketch it under a tiny umbrella in rain, it has paid off.
Finally, we get to the end of the path, near the Queen Elizabeth II. Yey, "Opera House"! This egg-shells-like building is our cultural icon! Many people take a rest here and sit on green grasses.From now on, I'll boast, "Hahahaha! I'm living in the GORGEOUS castle and the Opera House is in my backyard!" Yes, our legends are in the Garden.
In addition, the organizer Liz asks me to make the portrait of her mascott Borromini. Gulp?! I'll just do my best.

Sadami san
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pieces. When I went to the gardens a few months ago, I only managed a small section. It sure is a big place. But very nice place to walk around.
Looking at your lovely pieces makes me think of taking out my watercolours to play! Maybe... it's a 27 deg day in Melbourne today...
Happy weekend, Ev
You captured beautiful light and the tree is so full and welcoming. Lovely style, as always.
ReplyDeletea wonderful post again, dear Sadami ! I love
ReplyDeleteyour shots and your paintings ! Reaaly !
wish you a wonderful sunday
That's a wonderful walk with you , with you and your sketches keeping my interest to the end. Look forward to the next one!
ReplyDeletePS: you painted a beautiful tree and landscape.. not so scary now, I hope! xx
Una estupenda jornada, Sadami. Con unos excelentes resultados.
ReplyDelete¡Me encantaría salir a pintar contigo!
Un beso
Sadami thank you for your wonderful tour through this amazing garden, your sketches as always are just spot on! I confess, to me the sculpture "waves" looked like a big worm , too! :-) Big hugs
ReplyDeleteVaya Sadami, se ve que lo habéis pasado bien. Fantásticos, como siempre, tus dibujos y acuarelas. He estado un tiempo apartado de los pinceles y de los blogs y casi se me olvida cuánto disdruto con ello y con tus trabajos.
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo.
Dear Evelyn,
I went for swimming after picking up the submitted work from the exhibition. Rather cold, very hard wind & rain. But made 1km!
I love your watercolor work. Please keep up. Come and have fun in Sydney again.
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Margaret,
ReplyDeleteThank you for encouragement. Come and join the sketch club. Very much fun--and indeed it gives me topics for the blog?!
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Marty,
ReplyDeleteThank you, but we're getting into autumn. Still I swim at an ocean pool:).
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Pat,
ReplyDeleteThanks millions for encouragement. Mmmm...still I'm scary to landscapes. Need a bit more time to learn "cut out" a subject from what lays in my eyes and simplify values. If I'm lost, I try to image it in monochrome. Anyway, see how it goes.
Hugs and cheers, Sadami
Dear Juan,
ReplyDeleteThanks! But not comfortable to sketch landscapes in rain! The good bonus was the Garden Trust offered us light tea:). Yam!
Cheers, Sadami
Estimado Juan,
Gracias! Pero no se siente cómodo para dibujar los paisajes de la lluvia! El bono fue buena la Fundación Jardín nos ofrece la luz del té:). Ñame!
Saludos, Sadami
>>>Juan said...
A great day, Sadami. With excellent results.
I love to paint you out!
A kiss
Dear Jane,
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you! You and me are dead honest like kids. But secretly, I'm proud of my stupid straightness. Without it, I cannot make paintings. Jane, I always listen to children. Only kids speak Truth in "the Emperor's New Clothes":).
Hugs and cheers, Sadami
Dear Kubi,
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Kubi! I sometimes popped up your blog and awaited a new post. Now, you've begun to show us wonderful paintings like before. I'm very happy for you! Let's have fun together.
Kind regards, Sadami
Estimado Kubi,
Bienvenido de nuevo, Kubi! A veces me apareció tu blog y esperaba un nuevo puesto. Ahora, usted ha empezado a mostrarnos pinturas maravillosas como antes. Estoy muy feliz por ti! Vamos a divertirnos juntos.
Un cordial saludo, Sadami
>>>Kubi said...
Go Sadami, is that you have a good time. Fantastic, as always, your drawings and watercolors. I spent time away from the brushes and blogs and I almost forgot how disdruto with it and with your work.
A hug.
The park looks like you could spend a lifetime sketching there. And your swim sounds like quite an accomplishment considering the weather conditions. I love your determination. You're quite a gal.
ReplyDeleteDeer Gal Linda,
ReplyDeleteIndeed, that's a lifetime skethcing place! My medical team is so happy with my leg improvement. Only the side effect is good appetite increases a weight. Nurses say, "Muscles are heavier than fat!" I want to beleive so?! You have to teach me cycling and weight control.
Cheers, Sadami
Looks like a huge worm to me too, Sadami. And, isn't the opera house supposed to represent sails? Thanks for the wonderful tour, I always love to see what you've painted.
ReplyDeleteIs there an internet challenge I am unaware of ... I would love to join you in sketching but I don't live in Sydney! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Sadami - I thought it was a big worm too! But you are quite right about not trying to 'understand' art - I think that's a waste of time and gets in the way of enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteYour trees are great and I wonder what it is you dislike about painting landscapes? I think most artists who are quite comfortable painting landscapes would find your paintings of people extremely challenging!
Looking forward to your next walk round the garden!
Bellissima questa tua giornata e bellissimo quello che hai prodotto. Elvi
ReplyDeleteSadami, I like to walk through your drawings and watercolors.
ReplyDeleteFamous Sydney Opera House. Perhaps I will visit someday?
I like the watercolor trees. They give sends a nap ...
Have you finished the portrait of this little toy?
Beautiful day, isn't it?
Fantástico paseo cogidos de la mano por esos jardines preciosos. Bonitas fotografías (he..he..) y preciosos dibujos.
ReplyDeleteUn beso.
Dear Carol,
ReplyDeleteThank you. Oh, "sails" or a ship stands for the Opera House? I do not know it. Let an individual imagine what it symbolize. The point is to share joy!!
Cheers, Sadami
Hi, Margaret,
ReplyDeleteI assume you can join "Urban Sketch" activities nearest one to your place. Check it.
Actually, the Sydney Sketch Club is a branch of "Urban sketches." See this post.
The website is below.
The event, "Sketchabout" is a part of "Autumn of Arts" held by Sydney Morning Herald in cooperation with public organizations.
Our group is very active and has something interesting event to sketch every Saturday.
If you cannot find it, setting it up with same minded people is another opition:).
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Elvi,
ReplyDeleteThank you for a kind comment!
Let us share joy through art activities.
Cheers, Sadami
Cara Elvi,
Grazie per un commento gentile!
Cerchiamo di gioia condividere attraverso attività artistiche.
Cheers, Sadami
>>>Elvi said...
This beautiful and wonderful your day what you have produced. Elvi
Dear Judy,
ReplyDeleteThank U. Art out from heart touches others, but out of head does not--is my honest feeling.
I dislike "all" elements in landscape...little appetite and so boring for me. People are my favorite, a great fun and passion! Exciting.
Try people, if you like. You'll find our inner world in portraits.
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Olivia,
ReplyDeleteThanks, come and visit here. I want to paint trees more. Oh, the orderd(?!) work, the bear's portrait is not finished yet:). Just have fun!
Cheers and kisses, Sadami
Oh, Joshemari, thank you!
ReplyDeleteGood! You and me enjoy walking hand in hand! Actually, landscape is my challenging. One day, you can teach me in the Garden.
Kisses and hugs, Sadami
¡Oh, Joshemari, gracias!
Buenas! Tú y yo disfrutar caminando de la mano! En realidad, el paisaje es mi desafío. Un día, usted me puede enseñar en el jardín.
Besos y abrazos, Sadami
>>>Joshemari said...
Fantastic walk hand in hand for these gardens. Beautiful pictures (he..he..) and beautiful patterns.
A kiss.
Thanks Sadami. With six kids I am usually driving them somewhere on Saturday mornings... or sleeping in! But I did find a sketch Sunday challenge on the internet... I might be able to do that. :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a huge and beautiful place. So many sketching opportunities. You are going to be in heaven here. And we are going to see lots of beauty from you.
Dear Teri,
ReplyDeleteThank U! Well, I'm in heaven and hell at once?! I'll enjoy skethcing!
Cheers, Sadami
Hola Sadami, estas trabajando mucho, unos días sin pasar por tu blog y me encuentro con un montón de bocetos y acuarelas, es una bonita experiencia pintar en compañía de otros artistas, sobre todo en un sitio tan bonito como este parque, como siempre tus bocetos de personas son excepcionales, pero tus trabajos de paisajes también, me sorprendió el tamaño del material que utilizas casi no se ve en tu mano, cuando voy yo cargo con una bolsa pesada, un caballete...bueno utilizo un formato más grande.
ReplyDeleteGracias por compartir esta experiencia.
Quiero despedirme con un recuerdo para el pueblo japonés que esta demostrando una actitud admirable frente a las desgracias, espero que pronto todo esto pase y vuelva la normalidad.
Lovely renditions of the park... love them all
ReplyDeletePreciosos dibujos. Preciosa manera de enseñar personas y paisajes que conviven habitualmente con todos nosotros.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo
Dear Francis,
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yes, I'm working a lot on landscape (and...feeling like making sketches of figures MORE!! Starving!!!?).
The watercolor kit can just sit on my palm and it's my handmade! Carrying papers is A4--one is a cheap sketch book and the other Arche for interesting subjects. Carrying watercolor kit "the lighter, the more compact is the better." So, I made a watercolor kit by myself.
Thank you for kind concern for the Japanese suffering there. Let us pray for the struggling people and find something helpful at a grass root level.
Kind regards, Sadami
Estimado Francisco,
¡Gracias! Sí, estoy trabajando mucho en el paisaje (and. .. tener ganas de hacer bocetos de los personajes más! hambrientos !!!?).
El kit de acuarela puede simplemente sentarse en la palma de mi mano y mi mano! Llevar los documentos es A4 - se trata de un cuaderno barato y el Arco de otros temas interesantes. Llevar equipo de acuarela "el más leve, el más compacto es el mejor." Por lo tanto, hice un kit de acuarela de mí mismo.
Gracias por su amable preocupación por el sufrimiento japoneses. Oremos por la gente que lucha y encontrar algo útil a nivel de base.
Un cordial saludo, Sadami
>>>Francis said...
Sadami Hello, you're working a lot, a few days without going through your blog and I find a lot of sketches and watercolors, is a beautiful experience painting in the company of other artists, especially in a place as nice as this park, as always your sketches of people are exceptional, but also landscape your work, I was surprised by the size of material you use is rarely seen in your hand, when I go I carry a heavy bag, a stand ... well use a larger format.
Thank you for sharing this experience.
I leave you with a reminder to the Japanese people that is proving an admirable attitude against misfortune, I hope this happens soon and returns to normal.
Dear Ruth,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I just paint and write as I feel about:). Come&join us!
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Montse,
ReplyDeleteThank you! I admire your enthusiasm for art. Your paintings look very sexy and full of a mysterious mood. Please keep up.
Kind regards, Sadami
>>>Montse said...
Beautiful drawings. Lovely way to teach people and landscapes usually living with us.
Hi, Skizo, thanks for encouragements!! Cheers, Sadami
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteI always love your sketches, but am most impressed with how easy you make it look when sketching people!
Dear Alina,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
Cheers, Sadami
Dear Sheryl,
ReplyDeleteThank you! I love sketching people and that's all. I love your watercolor work, too.
Cheers, Sadami
the syndey opera house sketch is a treat to see sadami fantastic sketches .
ReplyDeleteDear Jane,
ReplyDeleteThank U. Come and see it(already saw it?). Oh, Jane, joining this sketch club is curing my dislike of landscape!
Cheers, Sadami
Your sketch of the Government House is absolutely many details that I had to look at it several times! Your trees are spectacular as well. What can I say, Sadami!! I just love your work!
ReplyDeleteDear Hilda,
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I've hated landscape and archtecture. So, this is my great challenging. I hope I will have fun in it!
Cheers, Sadami
Congratulations for your works!
ReplyDeleteHi, Laura!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
Cheers, Sadami
What a beautiful experience, Sadami! And what beautiful sketches! and how did the sketch of Borromini result? ;) Cheers, Cristina
ReplyDeleteHi, Cristina!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Tomorrow, I'll see Borromini's mother and finish it up. Hopefully, not rain.
Cheers, Sadami
Hola Sadami, he venido por tu blog en algunas ocasiones, pero creo que sólo he comentado una vez...
ReplyDeleteQuiero decirte que tu pintura y sensibilidad me parecen estupendas, y que tu blog está lleno de alegría por tu trazo, tus colores y cómo nois presentas las salidas a pintar que haces.
Ha sido un paseo precioso :)
Y también quiero manifestarte mi apoyo y admiración por tu pueblo original. Estoy segura de que son capaces de salir adelante con su increíble actitud.
Un abrazo
Estimado Alegría,
ReplyDelete¡Muchas gracias! Sí, a veces, vienen a tomar el té juntos! En Internet, nosotros, los artistas son estabishing comunidades grandes. Claro, usted es uno de mis amigos. Tener un día maravilloso!
Saludos y abrazo, Sadami
Dear Joy,
Thank you so much!! Yes, sometimes, come and have tea together! On internet, we, artists are estabishing big communities. Sure, you're one of my friends. Have a wonderful day!
Cheers&Hug, Sadami
>>>>Joy said...
Sadami Hello, I came by your blog occasionally, but I think I've only mentioned once ...
I want to tell your painting and I find great sensitivity, and your blog is full of joy for your stroke, your colors and show how the outputs nois painting you do.
It's been a wonderful ride:)
I also want to show yourself my support and admiration for your original village. I'm sure you are able to cope with her amazing attitude.
A hug