Hi, Friends, 14th, Happy Valentine! 16th, this blog-versary!
Wow, amazing. I've been blogging for these 2 years. Thank you for cheers. Soon, they'll remove the stitches from my hand. Ah, I wanna say, "Dr, set me free!" Hopefully, I can update the blog Monday like before. Thank you for patience.
I sketched the fast food shop one day after the surgery. Really lovely to see my right hand work smoothly. Even though still the hand is weak, it gets stronger day by day, step by step.
Now, I've got back on the illustration project. I've done many "double spreads"(=*2 page scene in a picture book).
I keep on sketching between illustrations. Sketching our daily life makes me think of life. I want to capture snap shots of our daily life.
Finally, the wonderful singer has gone back to a heaven. I've been her big fan. Often my colleagues would tease at me, saying, "When Sadami hears this song, "Step by Step," she gets excited."
Well, we have many troubles in a job place, family business etc. This song has always cheered me up at tough times.
I'd pass on this song, "Step by Step" to anyone facing difficulties. Have a listen of this song. Slow, but steady steps lead us into hope and a bright future.
Say it, Baby, don't give up.
You got to hold on to what you got.
Oh, Baby, don't give up.
You got to keep on moving on don't stop (yeah yeah).
I know you're hurting, and I know you're blue.
I know you're hurting but don't let the bad things get to you.
Never give up, Friends. And please remember you're not alone!Don't lose your heart.
Com'on Baby, keep going!
Happy Painting!!

Blog-Versary, 2nd yr & Happy Valentine