For example,
a) as a whole body, what sort of movement?
eg) dancing, running, eating, jumping etc.
b) some parts remain still = distinguish moving parts from still ones.
eg) head? what else? In this quick watercolour, a restaurant manager stays still except his hands and sometimes a head.

eg) "stick figure" is a good idea!
Draw moving people with a few lines. Lines are the lesser, the better.Below the acrobats in a circus.

4) Put some muscles = Mainly most impressive areas = make drama, dynamic movemenet.
So, having anatomical knowledge is advantage.

I love sketching moving people. It's beauty and "life."
Friends, enjoy movements and Happy Painting!
**and the right hand gets stronger and better day by day! Yey!! ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ
Very interesting post Sadami, thanks for always sharing your knowledge! ^_^
ReplyDeleteHello Sadami
ReplyDeleteThank you for this very helpful people in emerging movement tutorial.
I should learn that too.
That would be a great help to me for my 3d figures
greetings from Winterthur
Wow great sketches of movement! Thank for your information! I learn a lot!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, Sadami! Thank you so much for this post! I just recently tried for the first time to sketch people from life and realized what a challenge that is, as they constantly move. And I can see how it is so much fun for you. Like every challenge that one overcomes, the greater the challenge, the more fun it is once you get the hang of it.
ReplyDeleteHi Sadami, what a great post, showing how you see your figures for drawing and very helpful, Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi Sadami, you are a wonderful teacher !
ReplyDeleteyesterday night I was to a gospel concert !
great how they move, like on your sketches !
nice post again !
I wish you a lovely new week
Lovely sketches Sadami - and thanks for the instruction. xx
ReplyDeleteDraw people in action, seems so hard, your post is really interesting, just a few strokes and hop ... a character. Get to the essence of the character, I must try one day for fun. Have a nice week Sadami
ReplyDeleteHola Sadami, magnífico post, muy interesante y es un tema que me parece muy complicado, aunque todo es cuestión de trabajo, como todo. Magníficos bocetos, se ve el dominio que tienes en el dibujo de la figura humana.Espero que tu mano este mejorando, saludos.
ReplyDeleteYou never fail to amaze me with your sketching talent. I read with great interest, your descriptions of how to see, in order to sketch. Thanks for the tutorial. I will tuck it into my growing mental files for future reference.
ReplyDeleteGracias Sadami por tus valiosos consejos, los voy a poner en practica. Un abrazo.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Sadami! Movement is so hard to catch and you make it look easy with these great hints. Thanks for always being so free with your knowledge.
ReplyDeleteHow is the arm doing?
What elegant strokes with just enough lines to show movements! Love your explanation too :) thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! We, picture book illustrators do this training to capture people in action. Then, simplified drawings will become references for cartoons and exaggerated imgages. Hope your ongoing project goes well. Hang in there, Teresa! Go, go~~!
Cheers, Sadami
Hallo, Kieselsteine,
ReplyDeleteOh, danke aus dem verschneiten Platz! Ich genieße es immer Ihre 3D-Figuren, die genial und sehr interessant sind. Halten Sie sich wunderbare Arbeit.
Cheers, in der Mitte des Sommers, Sadami
Hi, Kieselsteine,
Oh, thanks from the snowy place! I always enjoy your 3D figures that are awesome and very interesting. Keep up wonderful work.
Cheers, in the middle of summer, Sadami
Hi, Judy,
ReplyDeleteThank you. Life sketching is a great fun and joy. Try itʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ !
Dear Blaga,
ReplyDeleteWhere there's a will, there's a way. Slow and steady wins the race--are all true. There's no magic, but keep drawing. But above all, joy must come first. Enjoy it and be kind to yourself. It opens another door for you. Let us enjoy drawing.
Cheers, Sadami
Hi, Ann,
ReplyDeleteIf this would be a little bit help, I would be very happy! Have fun!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Did you enjoy singing together? Your photos and poems are so beautiful and like shining treasures. Keep up.
Dear Pat,
ReplyDeleteThank you for kind cheers! Your posts and photos always bring us joy. Keep up!!
Hi, Lydie,
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a great fun. I'm sure you're going to be a hero on a street, when you sketch people in action. Old and young, anyone loves it and we share joy. So, try it one day!
Cheers, Sadami
¡Oh, querido Francis,
ReplyDeleteEres tan amable de siempre. Sí, mi mano se está recuperando día a día. Me gusta dibujar personas que se desplazan.
Su acuarela es tan hermosa, que muestra sus profundos conocimientos de la naturaleza y los seres humanos. Lovely. Manténgase al día. Los amo a todos.
Oh, dear Francis,
You're so kind always. Yes, my hand is healing day by day. I enjoy sketching moving people.
Your watercolour is so beautiful, which shows your deep insights of nature and humans. Lovely. Keep up. I love them all.
Kind regards,Sadami
>>>Francis said..
Sadami Hi, great post, very interesting and is a topic that seems very complicated, but it's all about work, like everything else. Great sketches, is the domain you have in the figure drawing humana.Espero this improving your hand, Greetings.
Hi, Jean,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It's a great fun to sketch movements. I think careful observation is the key that shows a way to go. Have fun.
Querida Tina,
ReplyDeleteGracias por vítores siempre agradable. Espero que podamos disfrutar de más de dibujo y mucho más!
Saludos y abrazos, Sadami
Dear Tina,
Thank you for always nice cheers. I hope we will enjoy drawing more and more!
Cheers and hugs,Sadami
>>>Tina said..
Thanks for your valuable advice Sadami, I will implement. A hug.
Hi, Teri,
ReplyDeleteThank you for always sensitive care and cheers. The hand gets better and stronger day by day. I'll enjoy more drawings!
Hugs and smile, Sadami
Hi, Meera,
ReplyDeleteYes, a few lines are enough = the most important lines that capture movement. But find your own style! Go, go, Meera!
Great liveliness! Thank you for this fun and helpful post, Sadami. Have a great week.
Hi, Nanina,
ReplyDeleteThank you! And you, too, have a wonderful week!!
Wow ...you make it sound so easy :) ... Most of my people sketches end up distorted !
ReplyDeleteHi Sadami. So glad to hear your hand is improving all the time. Your post this week is GREAT!! You really got to the essentials with your description of sketching movement. I'll have to try practicing with my closest model, Bruno! :)
ReplyDeleteYour work says so much with such few lines and shapes. I always enjoy your loose, cheerful style in your work and posts!
ReplyDeleteHi,Maria,so nice teacher,
ReplyDeleteThank you! I enjoy your wonderful work and caring posts, too. Particularly, you really look after your students. Enjoy teaching and art work!!
ReplyDeleteYes, easy, but one condition apply -- do lots of practices. Don't care about what comes up. The point is "have fun" and "keep up." No magic, but efforts that need joy.
ReplyDeleteYes, try Bruno! I tried horses for several times in a farm. Unlike people, I could not get it well. Drawings were "so so." But I was really happy to look at them in my eyes, as I love horses. I'll try it one day.
ReplyDeleteお久しぶりですねえ。日本語じょうずになってますねえ。感心!! 新しい土地に友達もできていますか?
Cheers&Best wishes,Sadami
Sadami, you were born to draw and paint! I love your paintings from life..you are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThank you! And you,too, were born to draw and paint! Let us celebrate our lives as artists on the earth!!
you make it look easy sadami :) ..love your second sketch down ..carefully observing ...great movement sketches and advice.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jane!
ReplyDeleteMe, too, like the second one very much. I really enjoyed that one. Like cheerful singing, I sketch people merrily, lalalala~~~!!
AND I really love your sensitive washes, colours and so lovely compositions!
Thanks for your tips, glad to see you back in the swing of things again. Could I ask you something? How do you put your name as a (?watermark) on your work.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks
Amazing lesson, thank you, Sadami!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that your hand is recovering.
ReplyDeleteI put a watermark as a "layer" on the work, then and combine the work with the mark.
Dear Irina,
ReplyDeleteThank you! The right hand gets stronger and stronger. The work is right on a track. Very happy!! You,too, enjoy drawing and painting.
Capture movement is so difficult, but you seems to achieve without difficulties Sadami ! Your eyes have to catch it so quickly . Happy to read your hnd is getting better and better. Bisous !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! But you capture emotions and colours with your hand! Amazing. I love your paintings. I'll get well soon.
"Bisous !!!!!!!!!" Sadami
Sadami, what beautiful work! I LOVE how loosely you paint, and how pleasing the effect is! This particular post on movement is very helpful - thanks for sharing.
DeleteThank you for visiting! A loose style requires good drawing skills and confidence in value study. Let us work on it and enjoy painting more.
Cheers, Sadami