Advantages: handy, overcome space, time, distance, speeding up globalization, business-set-up without capital, boost-up economics, social minorities access to info and mutually communicate, beneficiaries are such as the disabled, the poor etc. And so ons.
Disadvantages : the social exclusion of the people without computer skills, social isolation, dehumanization (=paradoxically, "less communication with unfamiliar people"), text message changing language, endangered languages/cultures/traditions, fake identities, intrusion of privacy, intellectual property theft, etc, etc.
For us, artists, digitization changes market strategies and producing process, although copyrights infringement is a headache. Already even emerging artists can display work and sell it on net without galleries. Also, computer programs can produce art work.
In publishing industry, "e Books" is a hot topic. I wonder if the public will read picture books on mobile phone... or already? I really love old fashioned children picture books made from papers... Hopefully, children picture books will survive this computer era and remain forever.

In publishing industry, "e Books" is a hot topic. I wonder if the public will read picture books on mobile phone... or already? I really love old fashioned children picture books made from papers... Hopefully, children picture books will survive this computer era and remain forever.

Regarding blogging, it's a great mutual communication methods. We, artists tend to be isolated in society, because of the occupation's nature. Net enables artists to chest off and help each other, especially, at a tough time. It's nice! But at the same time, I keep away from a computer. I'm the boss; my life comes first, not computing!
My stance is neither negative nor supportive of digitization. Already it's a social phenomenon. Coping with it is practical. Not easy to update myself and catching up with drastic changing. Ah, a living fossil?! Gulp.
I was too busy last year to join "100 washes." (Thanks my blogger friends who invited me!) Now, I have time for 100 washes. I'll explore lots of techniques and use findings for illustration. First, I observed different blues behaving. Granulation is a great fun(*I use only "smooth" paper). Second. Mixing colours on paper.
Timing of brush, amount of water, condition of paper(dry/wet/half wet etc) are critical. I believe "washes = the beauty of watercolour."

Have a wonderful week. Friends, happy painting ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ !! **Day time saving was over! We've got into autumn.
Hi Sadami! I love your washes, very good to study colours and how the paints behave on paper! I hope with you that books, and esp. children's books, will never disappear. I still have kept my son's picture books and I hope to look at them again when/if I have grandchildren! Have a nice week!
DeleteThank you! Yes, please enjoy the picture books with your grandkids. Reading loud and sharing time is a great communication between children and parents. You,too, have a nice week.
Hello Sadami
ReplyDeleteYou have the beautifully written.
I think computers are like knives.
You can use it to carve something beautiful.
Something good cook.
But can also threaten someone.
The good or evil is not in things.
Good and evil has its roots in humans.
I wish you a good week
DeleteThank you. It once was my sociology research essay topic. Yes, like your metaphor, a computer is a a double-edged sword. A computer, itself has nothing to do with being bad or right. We, humans gives technology nature.
You, too, have a nice week!!
Cheers, Sadami
Hallo, Patrick,
Danke. Es war einmal mein Soziologie Forschung Essay Thema. Ja, wie Sie Ihre Metapher, ist ein Computer aa zweischneidiges Schwert. Ein Computer, hat selbst nichts mit schlecht oder richtig machen. Wir, gibt den Menschen die Natur-Technik.
Auch Sie haben eine schöne Woche!
Cheers, Sadami
An interesting post, as always, Sadami! The computer world scares me a bit even though it's part of me now! My daughter text me because she didn't know where I was....I was home, and asked her why didn't she call me!? The telephone is getting obsolete and its sad. Communication is done by texting or on-line and speaking face to face is starting to disappear. How sad! I love all of these sketches...Now let's paint!!
ReplyDeleteDear Hilda,
DeleteThank you! It once was my sociology research essay topic. How true, "the computer world scares me, too, and already it's part of me"! Your daughter's story is very interesting. Some of us, linguistics students did research on "chatting room." But today, society has gone too far and too fast. Face-to-face communication and many public phones are dying out. It makes me sad. Well, it's a good idea; let's paint!
Sadami, we have both used the word "isolated" in our posts today. I love your watercolors of people with their gadgets. I have often wondered what my life would be like without the phone and computer. I guess I would feel lost, but I would adapt!
ReplyDeleteYour work is so good! I am grateful to the internet, I would not know you without it...and I very much value knowing you.
DeleteVery happy for you that you handled the trouble and beat it! Yey!!!
Yes, I'm a beneficiary, too. Without it, I could not meet you on the earth. How wonderful!! You'er so a lovely lady and wonderful artist!!
Good to know you enjoy my sketches. Interesting, people are so concentrate on gadgets and never care for me?! When I showed them my sketches, we shared laugh!
Wonderful watercolor sketches and washes shared, Sadami. I think there are many pros and cons to the digitization of the world - good if you use it for good and don't rely too much on it but bad if it keeps you from knowing your surroundings or talking to real people. For artists, the internet has been such a great thing (95% of the time) with getting our work out to so many people all over the world :) If we didn't have the internet, I wouldn't know Sadami's work!
DeleteThank you and very happy to know you enjoyed my work. Yes, I agree with you. I'm a beneficiary, too. Without it, I could not meet you on the earth. How wonderful!! You'er a so caring, lovely lady and wonderful artist!! Take care and enjoy art work more!
Point to ponder Sadami. But we have to keep up with the times.
DeleteThank you for echoing my stance. Have a nice week.
Kind regards,Sadami
Hello Sadami:) Lovely post!
ReplyDeleteAbout the washes. Whenever there is something like "100 washes" again I would like to join! Greatings from Holland:)
Dear Renate,
DeleteThank you. I'll keep playing around washes. Already my blogger friend has started it by herself. We cheer up each other. Enjoy painting!
Greetings from Australia, Sadami
Hi, Sadami. Very funny yous sketches of people concentrated on their gadgets! Your sketches are always so alive! I love them. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteHi, Albert,
DeleteYes, indeed! People were so concentrating on gadgets and never care for me?! When I showed them my sketches, we shared laugh!
Hi Sadami san,
ReplyDeleteToday's topic is really interesting.
These days, I feel where we are going to in our future. Can't we enjoy our lives without using modern gadgets?
An double-edged sword, I agree with you.
In my case I have to appreciate this digitization so far, because I wouldn't had have a chance to see your arts without pc.( I was mad at facebook one day though. I know facebook is not wrong, how to use is the problematic.) I'm trying washes as well. It is so much fun.
Hi, HaniHani,
DeleteThank you. I know you wrote about a similar topic on your blog. My dear friend says, "We have to eradicate computers so that we can have a peaceful day!" Yeah, yeah, and ... none of us can chuck a computer.
Like you said, yes, without net, I did not meet you on the earth. Thank goodness, Computer. But not always good like your posts on facebook. So far, I do not join facebook(no confidence to handle so many people...)and want to keep my private time SAFE and PEACEFUL.
Oh, sounds good you're enjoying washes. Me, too. I'll upload more next week.
Cheers,wink, wink, Sadami
I agree with you, Sadami: the computer, the Web, the digital world is a great blessing but even though a possible slavery at the same time ... therefore it must be handled with great care to not lose pieces of our "real" life. And drawing and painting people with their mobile phones is already a great way to humanize the digitalization!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for the "100 washes"! I'd like to participate too, but also this year I can not, for lack of time ... a hug!
Dear Cristina,
DeleteThank you. Your work, too, humanizes the digitization. Already your work has achieved more than beautiful 100 wahses!! We all know you're a very lovely mother, wife, artist, etc, etc, and being Cristina herself. So, a very busy lady! Take care and enjoy painging!!
A hug, smile and cheers, Sadami
washes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D good for you sadami will enjoy seeing your washes appear ...the top skecth is very neat sadami ....hope children books are here to stay ...have you sketched on i pad or with paint yet ?
ReplyDeleteDear Sadami
ReplyDeleteTu post de esta semana es muy interesante, pero yo entiendo que es la misma pregunta que nos hemos hecho siempre que hay un "invento" nuevo llamese, coche,teléfono, TV, ordenador.. etc. quizas lo importante es poner los aparatos a nuestro servicio y no al reves. Gracias ordenador por llevarme a conocer a Sadami!!
Tus dibujos como siempre una delicia. Un abrazo.
Hola, cariño Tina,
DeleteMuchas gracias! Sí, sí! Somos el jefe. Las máquinas deben servirnos! Muy feliz de saber que haya disfrutado de mis bocetos. Vamos a disfrutar de más de pintura y dibujo. Su trabajo es una delicia para mí, también!
Un abrazo, Sadami
Hi,caring Tina,
Thank you very much! Yes, yes! We're the boss. Machines should serve us! Very happy to know you enjoyed my sketches. Let us more enjoy painting and drawing. Your work is delight for me, too!
A hug, Sadami
>>>Tina said...
Dear Sadami
Your post is very interesting this week, but I understand that is the same question we've always done it that there is an "invention" new llamese, car, phone, TV, computer .. etc. perhaps the important thing is to put the equipment to our service and not the other way. Thanks for taking computer Sadami to know!
Your pictures as always a delight. A hug.
Ahahaha! Jane, you have really a good eye!!
ReplyDeleteThe top sketch is current one. (a rest of two were old ones). Well, Jane, you've inspired me so much and passed on your blog/washes to my mentor Ann James = Australian picture book illu Queen. Ann encourages me so much to "play around" wahses. So, I'm enjoying washes everyday. From now on, washes will come up at my blog every week. It's actually a part of my job. I need that skill!!!
No, I haven't tried iPad. Have you tried it? Let me know.
Sadami, isn't this is the eternal question of the impact of technical progress on people's life? It always has its positive and negative effects. My pet-peeve - drivers on the phone. But on the flip side, I have access to all of you, my friends artist-bloggers and your works and thoughts!
ReplyDeleteYour sketches are so, so good! So much to learn from you...
Have fun with washes!
Dear Blaga,
DeleteYes, the impact of technology on society/humans is a question. Like you talked about, it's up to us, how we use tech, a double-edged sword. There's no simple answer. Regarding our blogging, sure, we enjoy constructuive communicaitons. Nice! Me, too, so much to learn from you! Thank you for sharing time with me.
I'll enjoy washes more and more and something will come up every week.
That seems to be the way the world goes Sadami, technology and all that. I do find our children (now adults) have always loved something techy be it mobile phones, computer games etc. and somehow they always know how it works....wish I did.lol. Your drawings capture beautifully how people interact with their techy objects. I like the sound of the 100 washes.
ReplyDeleteHi, Ann,
DeleteThank you very much. Many grown-ups have difficulties to catch up with changing technology, while children quickly learn how to do tech. Sigh, I'm a left behind?! Anyway, let us enjoy sketches and washes!
Cheers, Sadami
Very interesting thoughts Sadami. Love the paintings, you captured that focus people have when using their devices.
DeleteThank you! You're ahead of time and using devices very well. I've got to learn it from you!
Cheers, Sadami
Ah washes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))Blue is a very interesting color ! Your sketches are always so good. Bises Sadami !
ReplyDeleteHi, Olivia,
DeleteYes, washes! Let us have fun together!
Cheers, Sadami