I sketched the girl in a choir rehearsing for an Easter service. Full of joy. Lalalala~•*•♫°•♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ

The chart shows transparency and opacity of 16 colours in all.
Accurate colour knowledge is vital to play sophisticated watercolour techniques. With only 6 colours, I go for sketching, as you know. I've been quite conservative to change or add colours.
BUT now is time to explore colours. In the chart, some findings are surprise and new. Also "depends on the amount of water," even a same colour behaves differently on paper. (*Thank you for understanding that critical analyses of brand names are eschewed at a blog, a public space.)
Now, I'm playing with wrap washes more.
On paper, I mix colours and observe how they go around.
I'm getting how to play with them and control a result.
The results give me ideas for illustration.

Once, I mainly used wet-in-wet like below. BUT now is time to explore colours. In the chart, some findings are surprise and new. Also "depends on the amount of water," even a same colour behaves differently on paper. (*Thank you for understanding that critical analyses of brand names are eschewed at a blog, a public space.)
Now, I'm playing with wrap washes more.
On paper, I mix colours and observe how they go around.

The results give me ideas for illustration.

How combine these effects with my loose style and explore new expressions --- is the mission. Or find a very different style?

A bonus. The colour chart gives me an idea what colours to get next. I put it at the top of a big drawing board and smile at it everyday. Lalalala~•*•♫°•♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ
**Just recently, Jane (Minter) and Maggie (Latham) did make a more detailed chart with an academic manner. If you like, visit their blogs!
Take a risk. Be brave. I'm studying hard right now.
Friends, Happy Painting!!
always wonderful to see your watercolors from life. It is true that the color chart is a work of art all on it's own. Such precision and accuracy! I am afraid many artists don't want to take the time that this takes! I have done charts..but it was a long time ago. I should do more!
ReplyDeleteHi, Celeste,
DeleteThank you! I'm not familiar with oil. Do you do the same thing? A person always comes back to the starting point/foundamental knowledge, when she tries new -- is true. My experiments go on.
Cheers, Sadami
I like your color chart, it sure looks gorgeous! :) And your washes are great! I am doing some exploring myself at the moment, fun!
ReplyDeleteDear Judy,
DeleteThank you so much. My experiments are ongoing. I hope your exploring will expand techniques and grow as an artist.
Kind regards, Sadami
Good job, Sadami-san, keep up the work and looking forward to your "visual diary"!
ReplyDeleteHi, Someone else,
DeleteThank you so much for the encouragement.
Cheers, Sadami
Sadami, Just love how the blobs of color make the complete picture! Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteHi, AK,
DeleteThank you very much! Let's have fun!
Cheers, Sadami
Hi, HaniHani,
Deleteありがとう!Chartは面白いわよ。いやあ、実は某メーカーのgouache white が全然gouacheでないのを発見したの。今まで碌に使わず、ン十年来たから知らなかったワ。 で、次のバーゲンでどの白を買うか決めてるところなの。
Wrap textureは質感を出せる= Blueだと、冷たい、氷のようなimage、raw-siena, etcだと、大理石、stone-likeなモノなど。 で、ハマッテ, 今、面白い作品を描いてます。単にwashesだけじゃなく、応用して作品の中で使わないと意味ないでしょう。
HaniHaniはえらいわあといつも尊敬しています。教えるって大変。孤軍奮闘せずに一杯仲間を作ってnetでも情報交換するといいのにネ。 ザクロなんて難しい題材じゃない?でも綺麗ね。こどもの色を混ぜたい気持は分かるけど、(ハタと気付く!!) 重ねる=glazingのは高等技術なのね。 チビさん達は"No fear" & "Me,me,me!!" の世界だろうから(*笑えるけど),楽しいでしょう。一緒に楽しんだら良いんじゃない?
去年、一度教えたとき、Annが一杯知恵を授けてくれ助かりました。Annはよく子供に教えるので、私は彼女の追っかけをnetでして、ははあ、ああやって教えるのかあ、と学んでいます。ウチのお師匠さまはいたくキサクで、こんな人です。http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/node/3143 (閑な時、覗いて見て。それでも、Victoria "State Libray"のcollectionだぜい、並じゃあない!)Annにあなたの事を伝えると、"Midoriy's painting remind me of yours. You will be great twin supports! Bookends!" と、言います。Hahaha、シッカリ見てる。いいユーモアセンスもAnnのウリです。貴方と私の絵、にているのね。お互い頑張りましょう。
Cheers, Sadami
You have really captured the singer in the sketch! And Wonderful color chart, and color experiments - I think you know your colors and who you are in your work --we see that in your every single blog post :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Meera,
DeleteThank you very much! I'd like to explore new techniques. Not easy, but, Meera, let us enjoy experiments.
Best wishes, Sadami
Best regards from Paris Sadami...
Hi, Pierre,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! I'd like to explore new techniques. You, too, enjoy photographs.
Kind regards, Sadami
gouache whiteの白って、わたし、ほんのときどき、ハイライトでつかったりします。さだみさんはどんなとき使うんですか?
Al Ain Watercolour clubはね、今週から、みんなが先生になるシステムにしたの。だから、メンバーが毎週かわるがわる、題材を自分でえらんでみて、自分で描いてみて、それで、2時間を、仕切るということにしたのよ。わたしがやっていたのだけど、みんな受身ではつまらないだろうなと思って。自分が先生になるとなると、すごく緊張するし、取り組みがちがってくるでしょう?わたしばかり、いいとこどりしてるみたいだったし、やっと、みんないいかんじのレベルになってきたので、順番で先生になるよーというと、結構喜んでくれた。自分のほうからは、言いにくかったのかも。で、わたしの順番がきたら、このwashを、絶対やるわ。だって、これは、まだ、だれもやらないだろうから。wrapをつかうなんて、すてきよねー。
Hi, HaniHani,
Gouache white,わたしも貴方と同じです, た、ま——に、ハイライトに使います。年に一回, あるか無いかだわ。 (*私は水彩初心者です。ホントよ。)
"持ち回りセンセ"!!! HaniHaniはエライし、とっても, いいところに目をつけて, いい発想。 Al Ain Watercolour club, 素晴らしいわあ!! 持ち回りセンセは楽しいわよう。それがgroup workの楽しみじゃない。みんなワクワクしてると思います。各人が参加できるし、個人が役割と責任を認識する時、喜びを感じると私は思います。BTW, wrapは面白いわよう。上手くいくといいわね。
AnnはAusrtaliaのillustratorsやwritersを数多く育てたし、育てて居ます。 あのsiteはイイもので、私の敬愛するAnne Spudvilasのもあります。覗いて見て、素晴らしいから。 私が大笑いしたのはAnne Spudvilasのstudioにシッカリ私のお師匠サマの可愛いイラストが飾ってあったのを見つけた時でした。Anne Spudvilasは多くの有名portrait competitionsを総ナメにした人で、とてもbig nameなのよ。そのAnneのstudioにウチの師匠の絵が在るのねえ。How much my mentor Ann is beloved by anyone!!
Cheers, Sadami
Dear HaniHani,
ReplyDeletePainters OnlineでAl Ain watercolour clubの作品を二つ見ましたが、一つ提案します。持ち回りをキッカケに、"group blogging" は如何でしょう。(Bloggerが今はpopularだと思いますが、it's up to you.)
Cheers, Sadami
Beautiful results on your experiments Sadami. We just keep learning by trying new things don't we!
Hi, Teri,
DeleteThank you! Yes, we keep on learning. Fun!
Cheers, Sadami
Really great experiments. The versatility of the different ways you paint is so wonderful for the rest of us who are stuck in one sort of expression. Love the sky in the bottom piece. Not sure if you used salt crystals, of it that is just some fancy brush work as the paint was drying.
ReplyDeleteYou're the best.
Oh, humble and honest Wren, YOU're the BEST!
DeleteThank you. Yes, I want to get out of "stuck" or stop being a "one trick pony." The bottom one, I just "tapping paper with a soft tissue" not salt. Timing and amount of paint/water is critical. I'm challenging "loose up landscape/architecture" right now. Struggling. Not easy. But your encouragements move me on!!
Cheers, Sadami
Me encanta tu blog y tu obra, me parece original, fresca e increible, tienes un estilo muy personal que me gusta mucho, me alegra haber descubierto tu blog, nos vemos por aqui!
ReplyDeletePor si quieres visitar el mio: marijoepintora.blogspot.com :)
Un saludo
Mari, bienvenidos a mi blog! Gracias por estímulos.
DeleteTú, también, que hermosa acuarela. Su trabajo es encantador y muy reconfortante. Es tan hermoso. Por favor, mantenga y vamos a divertirnos juntos!
Mis mejores deseos, Sadami
Mari, welcome to my blog! Thank you for encouragements.
You, too, make beautiful watercolour. Your work is charming and very heart-warming. It so lovely. Please keep up and let's have fun together!
Best wishes, Sadami
>>>Mari said...
I love your blog and your work, it seems original, fresh and amazing, you have a personal style that I like, I am glad I discovered your blog, see you here!
If you want to visit mine: marijoepintora.blogspot.com :)
a greeting
If you want to visit the mine:
As always, love your work. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you~~~!!
Delete..love the bright painting at the bottom ..super tartan colour chart.. the pink wrap sings :)...you are working hard 1 have a good w-e sadami
ReplyDeleteDear Jane,
DeleteIndeed! I'm working hard to tame washes, but fun. I'm playing around with it like a little child. You, too, have a nice weekend!
Cheers, Sadami
Nice work Sadami. I haven't been by in a while--too busy finding myself. Yes, I have done a color chart for acrylics, never watercolours, which ironically I seem to be using regularly in addition to oils. I really have to do a couple more! The work never ends. It's good to see your hand is healed.
ReplyDeleteDear Linda,
DeleteThank you for a kind comment. The right has no problem for daily life, 99% ok. Your acrylic work is interesting. Take it easy and be kind to yourself. Playful mind always creats lovely and charming work, I believe. So, I always play with watercolour. We do not need to make masterpieces all the time.
Kind regards, Sadami
sadami san
Anne Spudvilas さん今から見ます。あんさんに縁があるのね。
Hi, HaniHani,
Deleteそうね、下手にpushするとみんな逃げちゃうから。 Painters Online いいじゃない。 すごいわ、あなたあそこの"star"じゃない!! 一杯uploadしてネ。
そう、私のAustralian出版ギョーカイでAnn Jamesを知らないのはモグリです。 "みんなだれでも知ってる,"と言うのは誇張ではありません。だからこそ、Annから"Apoint me your mentor,"と言われた時、ビックリしたし、ウワア、と思ったの。距離がありますがAnnは大変よくemailsを読み、私をsupportします。そして折りあるごとにSydneyへ来てはちゃんと私に会い、仕事を見、指導します。貴方だって、きっとそんなnice mentorに会えると思いますよ。 Hang in there!!
Cheers, Sadami