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Monday, May 28, 2012

1)Illustrator Mentorship Program 2)Wash

Have you ever heard of mentorship? A mentor is an "experienced and trusted adviser" according to Oxford online dictionary. Art has a very broad spectrum from performance to visual art. In any area, experienced and established artists are great supporters and wonderful guides for emerging and struggling artists at a crossing point. Mentors are not simple teachers of techniques. Mentors support and guide mentees through mentees' work development and practice, sometimes introducing them to broader aspects of their fields – and networks. Mentors promote their mentees in a competitive art market so that mentees will grow to become established artists. Mentors aim to motivate, teach, counsel and nurture their mentees. Also, hopefully, mentors will learn in mentoring. Thus, mentorship aims at mutual benefits.  
I have my mentor, Ann James in picture book publishing industry.  Ann was originally an art teacher and became an illustrator. She has published more than 70 picture books, and is a significant contributor towards the development and appreciation of children's literature in Australia. Ann has received numerous awards and the national Dromkeen medal for services towards children's literature.
In mentorship, good mutual communication and serious commitment are essential. My mentor Ann is the extraordinary good email reader. Swiftly gives me assistance, if I really need. Always she leaves me the final decision. I've soon realised that I should take initiatives and Ann respects me as the agency. I've hardly ever phoned her. But always she gives mental support, too. Today, I proudly claim, "I'm the luckiest illustrator!" Yes, indeed, anyone who knows Ann says, "Yes, Sadami, you're so lucky!" I have no doubt. In our communication, Ann always gives me a comfortable and safe space so that I will tell candid opinions and honest views. 

But before we started the mentorship, I wondered if we could work together well. The most concerns were...
Concern 1) Ann's painting style is very different from mine. Does she understand me? (*below Ann's work)

Concern 2) Physical distance between Melbourne and Sydney – could be a problem. 
Concern 3) How will Ann backup me?
I could not directly ask about the concern 1) and kept silent. Yes, I wondered if my question would offend her. Ann answered concern 2) and the concern 3) by email.   

Regarding the concern 1), Oh, my goodness, Ann's deep, wide knowledge is really striking! A walking "encyclopedia" of picture book illustration, publishing, Australian art society and even an international world! My concern vanished. I soon found Ann's flexibility and challenging spirits upon different media and styles. It inspires me, too. Not only the technical stuff, but also, Ann's legal knowledge is helpful and I've badly needed. I've printed out her emails and sorted them out in order by contents.
Regarding the concern 3), Ann provides me with projects, promotion and support me in a publishing industry and a visual art. Actually, her name and credibility has amazed me. All publishers, established Australian illustrators and famous authors, many fine artists know Ann and respect my mentor! So, my mentorship has helped my networking, social exposure, confidence and job opportunities. 
Ann launched my second picture book "My Dog Socks"
During our ongoing mentorship, I've studied lots of Ann's books and other picture books she’ssuggested to me, at libraries and on net. It's time consuming, but worth trying "research" for me. (*Kind  Ann sent me many picture books from the collection.) I wrote my own reviews on the books and Ann gave me the feedback. When Ann comes to conferences and meetings in Sydeny, often she brings her original work(*A2, heavy stuff!) for my study in her busy schedule. 
I'm convinced that my mentorship is successful and right on a track. Before embarking our mentorship, I read about "Getting Connected : Making Your Mentorship Work"(Australia Council of Arts) and prepared for it. Friends, a mentoree cannot be simply passive. I always study hard, work hard, prepare and respond to Ann. Then, we enjoy our fruitful mentorship!  
I feel, "Dream is unrealized reality" in my mentorship. I'm so grateful for Ann's guide and support. If you're interested in a picture book illustrator and writer's mentorship, here, ASA mentorship programs. If you try it, get a good mentor! Emerging illustrators, it's very hard to gain a picture book illustration project. Friends, don't give up.
Make your dream come true. Happy Painting!



  1. Sounds like a wonderful way for artists to support each have a mentor who is there giving guidance, leaving you to find your own path, but can be relied upon to help you...what a great way to work.

    1. Hi, Ann, yes, indeed! This is my first experience of mentorship. Interesting. Our uni has started a student metoring(local/experienced students help international/new students). You, too, enjoy drawing and painting!
      Cheers, Sadami

  2. Estoy convencido Sadami, que conseguirás todos o la mayoría de los proyectos que te propones.
    Si has de seguir los consejos de Ann, síguelos porque te ayudarán a realizarlos!
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  3. Wow, congratulations on having such a valuable mentoring experience!

  4. Hola, Joshemari,
    Gracias! Voy a pensar dos veces en el consejo de Ann y tomar una decisión. Ella es muy buena en la escucha y la maternidad mentrees. He estado trabajando en proyectos con su ayuda.
    Saludos, Sadami

    Hi, Joshemari,
    Thanks! I'll think twice on Ann's advice and make a decision. She's very good at listening and mothering mentrees. I've been working on projects with her help.
    Cheers, Sadami

    >>>Joshemari said...
    I am convinced Sadami, you will get all or most of the projects you propose.
    If you follow the advice of Ann, follow them because they will help you realize them!
    A big hug.

  5. Hi, Hwee,
    Thank you so much! I sincerely hope good encounters between many emerging artists and helpful mentors. Not easy to meet it.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  6. さだみさんへ



    1. Dear HaniHani,
      ありがとう!そうねえ、でも、アンはちゃんと私の作品を合計すると3~4年、ジックリ見てから、"確かにデッサン力はあるわ、でも、textをどうinterpretationするか私は知りたい、"といい、試しにtextを与えて結果を見たの。そして、実際にシドニーで会った折、唐突にでも、力強く、"Appoint me your mentor," と言ったの。私がビックリしたわあ。 確かにAnn offered me helpけど、私もがんばって作品を見せました。夢があるなら、やってみましょうよ。たった一回の人生よ。私、後悔はしたくないの。そう、受身じゃ道は拓けないわ。よかったわねえ。ドンドン新しい人が入って新しい分野も入って来て。素晴らしいわあ。お互い、頑張りましょう!
      Cheers, Sadami

  7. I've been lucky to have a couple mentors...I am grateful to them. Seems to me that you are mentoring us out here in cyberspace, are very generous with your ideas and knowledge.

    1. Hi, Celeste,
      Thanks millions! You, too, mentor us! I'm sure your mentors should have felt, "I'm lucky enough to have met Celeste!!" Keep sharing your joy with us on the earth.
      Cheers, Sadami

  8. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful mentor! I also had a look at your other page: fabulous work, Sadami! Oh, and that wash is fantastic!

    1. Dear Judy,
      Thank you! I'll work on work, study and research. You, too, enjoy drawing and painting!!
      Cheers, Sadami

  9. Sounds like you have found a real gem of a mentor and lucky you (but you have worked towards this so not just luck). Someday I will be buying children's books illustated by Sadami for my grandchildren :) I know it!!

    1. Dear Rhonda,
      Thanks! Yes, my hard work got rewarded -- met the wonderful mentor. I'll strive for my goals in life. Hope your grandkids will buy my picture books :)!!

  10. Una lección de soltura y buen dibujo, Sadami. Como siempre.

    1. Hola, Juan,
      Gracias. Su voz está bien en el clavo! Habilidades para el dibujo y el valor es la clave para la pintura!
      Saludos, Sadami

      Hi, Juan,
      Thank you. Your say is right spot on! Drawing skills and value is the key for painting!

      >>>Juan said...
      A lesson in ease and good drawing, Sadami. As always.

  11. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Your fountain illustration just blew my mind - most of your work does, but that fountain is so amazing - the colors are so vivid and wonderful. Thank you.

    1. Dear Wren,
      Thank you. You have a good eye. Yes, I tried a different colour use for that fountain. I'm attempting vivid and several colour use for my watercolour right now.
      And... Ahhhhhhh!! Your sensitve and sophisticated art work always blows my mind and charms my heart. Especially, your colour use is brilliant!
      Kind regards, Sadami

  12. Querida Sadami, eres afortunada con tu tutora, pero yo pienso que tu tambien debes de ser muy valiosa para ella. Me gusta mucho el retrato que incluyes en el post.

    1. ¡Oh, Tina, gracias!
      Sí, para Ana, si yo soy preciosa, esta relación me da un sentido de valor y el propósito. Como tengo la discapacidad y se esfuerza por ser un artista establecido en la ilustración de libros ilustrados y las bellas artes, un partidario al igual que Ann es tan alentador. Espero que usted encontrará buenos mentores y amigos a tu alrededor!
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Oh, Tina, thank you!
      Yes, for Ann, if I'm precious, this relation gives me a sense of worth and purpose. As I have the disability and strives to be an established artist in picture book illustration and fine art, a supporter like Ann is so encouraging. I hope you will find nice mentors and friends around you!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Tina said...
      Sadami dear, you're lucky with your tutor, but I think you also must be very valuable for her. I really like the picture you include in the post.

  13. Ciao, Sadami,
    difficul for me to understand all... but something...
    Very good your menthorship Ann James and very good the possibility to work together you and she...
    In this post I like a lot "coffee break" and this last paint with fantastic colours and atmosphere!
    Ciao, un abbraccio, Floriana

    1. Ciao, Floriana!
      Yes, it's very nice to work together on a picture book illustration and other projects. I'm going to put colours on "Coffee Break" soon. You, too, enjoy painting!!
      Cheers, Sadami
