I've been awarded for the Versatile Blogger award by Catharina Engberge. Thank you, Catharina! Very happy. What a wonderful surprise and a great honour! Catharina has been enjoying watercolour painting in Sweden. Her colour use and landscapes are very eye pleasant. Also, her challenge spirit is adorable and humour is nice! Her writing is heart warming. However, we all have ups and downs in life, don't we? At ups and downs, Catharina and I have encouraged each other by comments. She's a lovely, lovely and caring lady. (I hope I could see her in person in Sweden one day.) Friends, mutual support is a wonderful treasure in the world.
Once, another blog award came to me. I could not pass on it to others, because it was too hard to choose friends. BUT this time, I'd think it in a positive and light way like Catherina says, "It is up to each person to continue or stop the "game."" Wow, it's a game! Yes, it's a fun game for blog friends. If so, why not? Let's have fun with friends.
Tadadada~~~! Look, this is shining through! Can you see my big smile ear to ear?
The rule for this award is as following:
It is the decision of each person to continue or stop the game.
You say a few words about the person who sent you the award and a little about yourself. And...
- Thank the person who gave you this award.
- Include a link to the peron's blog.
- Tell 7 things about yourself.
- Select 10 blogs and tell a bit about each blogger.
- Nominate those 10 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Regarding myself, Sadami, 1) I've loved drawing since childhood, surrounded by wonderful people in Sydney and in the world by blogging. 2) Right now, my debut children picture book "Moon" is on the way, this Aug. 3) I created a book cover for "Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice" written by Prof Ingrid Piller. It will be published by Oxford University. 4) I suddenly got difficulty in walking on the way to uni. 5) Although #4 sounds serious, I walk again with an embrace. I'm living "jokes" like Bart Simpson/Papa Homie. Quite optimistic and positive. I love making others laugh and happy. I love laughing loud together!! Indeed, I analysed "jokes" and did presentation of it in linguistics, hahahaha?! 6) Anyone, swimming? As well as drawing, I love swimming with fishes and prawns in a rock bath. I swim 1km in an ocean pool. 7) Writing picture book stories as well as illustration under the supervision of mentor Ann James. Already one work has got her "yes." Yey! I'm enjoying roughs in black and white and colour. Exciting. In the future, my own picture books will be published. Yes, I'm an author and illustrator.
Ok, I have to admit that it was too painful to select 10 bloggers or blog friends. I thought seriously, "All of my followers deserve this awards." (Who started this award? Can't we change a rule such as an "unlimited number" ?!) Regarding the selection of friends, statistically, a scale is the frequency of comments and visits. Bloggers who have already been awarded are excluded.
So sorry and forgive me, if I did not include you. Of course, I know, many shy readers silently visit my blog. I always appreciate your visits. My blog readers are very royal and come back to me repeatedly and regularly. I'm so proud of wonderful and supportive visitors. I always think of all the visitors and greatly thank for you. Without your visits, my blog will not go on. So, I visit other blog frinds as many as possible.
Rhoda loves watercolour with all her love and life. At the same time, she's a guardian angel for us, bloggers. She cares for others all the time. Please visit her charming blog.
Joshemari is so fond of watercolour. He's been enjoying watercolour, particularly, landscapes, architectures, old toys and ships! Thank you for your kind support and visit for years!
Tina always encourages me and creates beautiful washes. What a lovely artist and woman!! I appreciate her support for ages.
Like Tina, Onera and I encourage each other for ages. Thank you for your visiting for such long years. His another passion is for writing.
Blaga is so modest, but creates lovely watercolour and explores techniques. Her work gets better and better! We cheer up each other at our ups and downs. Oh, Blaga, you'll never know how much your comments have lifted me up.
6) Anna http://annaquarelles.blogspot.com.au/
Anna's enthusiasm for watercolour is like a fire! We have been good friends for years. Now, her work is gaining big entitlements (No surprise. Her work is brilliant that also has a social message!). I admire her as an experienced watercolourist.
7) Isabelle http://isabelle-gaillardon.blogspot.com.au/
Thank you, Isabelle, for your long years support. How much your work also has cheered me up at the tough time for illustration!
9) Agnieszka Grzelak, http://agnieszkagrzelakart.blogspot.com.au/
Agnieszka does not only watercolour painting, but also does wonderful crafts such as a quilt. They are really amazing! Her love creates them for four daughters.
10) Katherine http://katherinejft.blogspot.com.au/
Katherine, a retired teacher, enjoys colour pencil drawing with philosophical thoughts. Her sensitive, meticulous, yet imaginative colour pencil work tells her personality and inner world. It is fun to exchange thoughts with her.
Other people I've been thinking of are Martine Paquet, Celeste Bergin, Hilda Muxo, Meera Rao, Carol Blackburn, Carol King, Pat Eliott, Cathy Gatland, Ann (studio hyde), AK, Olivia Quentin, Floriana Quaini, Dora, J.Paz, kieselsteine Trickfilmstudios, Dosanko-Debbie, Orega-me Orega-me, Renate(you've already got it!) etc, etc. (*I've respected that some people have claimed, "Award Free Zone" and others are in a hectic time.) Aaahhh! I want to list up all the friends! Please pardon me. Special thanks for Jane Minter, too. (you once awarded me!) http://janeminterssketchbook.blogspot.com.au/
Already, "blogging" has formed a big internet community. It's good to get acknowledged by others about my blog and acknowledge other friends. Thank you again for Catharina who gave me a wonderful joy and a lovely opportunity to share joy. It's wonderful. Really my frineds are in all over the world. My former linguistics lecturer got surprised, when she secretly visited my blog and found my friends's number. But I know a number is not a matter. All of you have given me support and friendship. That's the most important and priceless. I hope we will enjoy friendship more than ever.
Friends, Happy Painting! I hope I can see you them all one day!!

Versatile bloggger award, 10 awarded bloggers!