Moon exhibition has advocated people with disability, achieved a huge sale, promoted Moon's aesthetic value and established networking and future job opportunities! Sea scapes were all sold. A great supporter
Maxine Mckew bought her caricature and encourages me so much! Many visitors have bought Moon after looking at the illustrations.
We had a great fun!
Yes, my work has convinced visitors of the aesthetic of picture book illustrations. Comments are all positive, "Beautiful!" "Amazing!" Visitors want to know more about watercolour techniques and ask for Sadami's workshops! Margaret Hamilton AM loves my illustration and says, "I'll keep an eye on your work from now on!" The result is my wonderful market research and a future direction to go.
Hi, all, "Whisky!" (is my favorite say than "cheese.")
This is my demo for participants.
Wesley Mission came to the workshop on Monday. I ran a workshop for our clients. Their media team shot the video to promote "Building Dreams" project. I hope my exhibition and activities will contribute to the equal access for people with disability and public awareness of human rights issues. I'd like to post the video when it will be edited.
Regarding workshops, "Joy must come first. Share joy with others. We don't need to make a master piece everytime," is my motto. Adults enjoyed favorite subjects or figures. I explained the very basic and theoritical understanding of a "human head's ratio" in a square by drawing. After my watercolour demo, each participant had a fun. I asked children to draw their dreams and I did demo. But excited children tried to squeeze tubes bofore my demo (thank goodness that tubes were all sealed under caps!). We all had a fun.
Very happy surprise was Libby Gleeson AM and my old uni frined visited the gallery. Busy Libby came and encouraged me so much (*she's been looking after this fledging bird for ages). Kind Libby asked, "Did you get a following project?" Yes, I did. When she came in, I was just working on another picture book story board on a table. I deeply thanked for Moon publication, Matt, Helen, Ann, Jess, this exhibition, Accessible Arts NSW, Marrickville Council and all involved supporters. Without them, I could not get either a following project or even the encounter of Libby.

This is another bonus from the show. Oh, I could see my dear friend again and we celebrated my achievement and our friendship. My dear friend studied philosophy and we shared time in anthropology at Sydney uni. She is older than me and a quiet and very thoughtful lady. I haven't seen her for nearly 10 years... I told her, "It was the toughest time and I was at the bottom of life ( the onset of my disability. I cried lots in front of her). But now, many topnotches in Australian publishing industry have paved a way for me and support me. This was the direction to go. At the tough time, I wondered if I would die a next moment, what do I want to do RIGHT NOW. I thought drawing and watercolour painting! So, I chose it. It was right!" Yes, drawing and picture book illustration have saved this crashed soul from the bottom. Today, I'm known as a happy person! We shared a wonderful time and made up a ten years blank instantly. An old uni friend is so nice!!

This is one of the sea scapes all sold. Visitors wanted more!
This solo exhibition has given me the concrete confidence to run a show. I wondered if my exhibition would get no sale..., awggg...disastorous..! I was a bit scared before the show.
But in fact, the result makes me really "Over the Moon"!! I worked so hard everyday and made a huge sale! In addition, these two boards invited visitors well. *Visitors must walk into an alley to get to the gallery
Monday is the last day of Moon. I have to move onto another solo exhibition, "People of Parramatta" right after that. A solo exhibition is not easy and a very demanding job. But lovely. I'm now, very proud of myself. But I know I all owe to you. Thank you for coming and Friends, for your all support! I want to give you a biiig ((Hug))!!
Friends, Happy Painting!

The show turned out a big success!!