Unfortunately Kevin had a terrible growth in his mouth which couldn’t be removed and was rotting -- was the prognosis, when the nice lady from WIRES for Wildlife Rescues took him to the vet. So the best thing for Kevin was they put him to sleep. Margaret and Max agreed with it. It was me that contacted WIRES. It took nearly thirty minutes to get through. So, I was really concerned about Kevin.
This is the skull of a little kangaroo I found in a bush. This skull is broken and not perfect. A jaw, nose and others are missing though, it helps me understand a kangaroo's face. I reviewed the structure and drew Kevin. When the sad news came to me, I shed tears. But that's life.
We already miss him. Particularly, Margaret and Max were hugely honoured to have had a wild animal trust them and feel secure and unthreatened. We grew very fond of him. Thank you, Kevin. You made us happy. I could develop a lovely character for illustration.
Rest in Peace, Kevin.
Btw, I'm working on the projects and preparing for Christmas parties or end of year events. Already, putting a schedule in 2019. How was your 2018 and do you have any plan for 2019? I hope both years will be wonderful.
Friends, happy painting and enjoy a life fully!
Lovely animal portrait, Sadami! Wonderful tribute!
ReplyDeleteYes, sad for you and Margaret and Max, but wonderful for Kevin to have lived the rest of his life feeling so safe :)
2019? Still in the "thinking" mode.
Thank u very much, Chris. You're right!! I look forward to your schedule in 2019. I've already have some ahead. Cheers, Sadami
DeleteSiento mucho la muerte de Kevin y encuentro que le has rendido un hermoso homenaje. Es triste... Precisamente, esta semana he perdido un buen amigo, también. Sea animal o persona, cuando se les quiere, se sufre cuando mueren. Un fuerte abrazo Sadami.
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias, Joshemari. Hicimos lo mejor para Kevin. De hecho, nosotros, los humanos, somos parte de la naturaleza y somos amigos de los animales. Espero que los humanos y los animales vivan juntos. Mis mejores deseos, Sadami
DeleteThank you very much, Joshemari. We did our best for Kevin. Indeed, we, humans are part of a nature and friends with animals. I hope humans and animals live together. Best wishes, Sadami
I am very sorry for Kevin's death and I find that you paid him a beautiful tribute. It's sad ... Precisely, this week I lost a good friend, too. Be animal or person, when they are loved, they suffer when they die. A big hug Sadami.
Dear Sadami - so sad to read about Kevin. What a wonderful tribute to him. Beautiful illustration. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank u very much, sweet Debbie! We're certain he could have a safe and comfortable time at the end of life. Best wishes, Sadami
Deleteso sad to read a story about Kevin's death.
ReplyDeletehope, he rest in peace.
Thank u very much, so sweet Tanza. Life and death are much like a coin's head and tail, I feel. I hope to focus on how we live fully, not on how we die. Kind regards, Sadami