Happy New Year everyone! "謹賀新年"! 2021年もよろしくお願い致します。
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Developing Images in Picture Book Illustration
Based on the firstly sketched red house, I enjoyed
developing the snowy images into a realistic scene and an illustration! This process is much like a "Colour Rough" called in picture book illustration. If the image conveys the atmosphere, it's successful. First, I
created the landscape after snowing. Don’t ask me if Dundas Valley has snow.
The original image is here. A red house on an open field was
very appealing in Dundas Valley in 2018. Ants bit me. Only a soft breeze talked
to me. A quiet and rich afternoon.
original image inspired me to create the night scene, below. I explored images. In this
illustration, I added a character, a rabbit. “The poet is a liar who always
speaks the truth. – Jean Cocteau.”
Friends, Stay Safe and
Happy Painting at home!
Thank you for visiting and encouragements.
Developing Images in Picture Book Illustration
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all! Let’s enjoy a festive season! (*Santa on Boxing Day) Thank you very much for your support. With your incessant cheers, I could have a very fruitful 2020 against the pandemic.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sadami's May Gibbs Fellowship moved to Oct 2022
My May Gibbs Fellowship is rescheduled to Oct in 2022 due to the Covid restrictions. I greatly
appreciate May Gibbs Institution’s support and you, friends’ encouragement.

Sadami's May Gibbs Fellowship moved to Oct 2022
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Pears, Yuko Nagayama Online Course
In the subjects, a pear and a pasta plate, Yuko Nagayama taught us how to draw a plate mathematically and meticulously. She passionately talked about the importance of drawing skills. Drawing skills are equivalent to a person's car driving skills which allows a person to go anywhere she wants to go in work. Another interesting topic was the variation of greys mixed by other colours. Me, too, studying greys to create the harmony in work. The participants were required to submit fruits and a plate. I'm enjoying biting pears! Sweet and yum!
Friends, Happy Painting. Take care and stay safe in the pandemic.
Pears, Yuko Nagayama Online Course
Monday, November 30, 2020
Waves at Narrabeen
I sketched waves at Narrabeen in 41’ C. Strong winds broke
the wave heads. Btw, ah, heaven, a big and cool watermelon slice from an esky!
I love capturing the movement of waves and its colours. The beauty of life I
feel in nature and an ocean. Friends, let’s enjoy life and drawing!
Waves at Narrabeen
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Eucalyptus' Flowers
We, Australians love gum trees or eucalyptus. We, participants required to work on white flowers in Yuko Nagayama's workshop. To find white gum tree flowers was not hard like white bottle brushes. So, here we go! A bit tricky and hard to depict it. Bees and birds enjoy honey.
Btw it's wonderful that Yuko's workshop has opened up my eyes and inspired my hands for flowers and still life! I've begun to enjoy background, too.
Friends, take care in pandemic. Stay safe.
Eucalyptus' Flowers
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Yuko Nagayama Online Workshop #2
In the subjects, flowers in a glass cup, Yuko Nagayama taught us how to handle a background as well as the subject. The participants were required to submit white flowers. I chose our native flowers, bottle brushes. But it was a bit hard work to find the white bottle brushes.
Lovely, Yuko demonstrated the procedures and the any colours could be background that wiped off a narrow colour theoretical approach. Rather, she embraced emotions in an individual. Thank you very much, Yuko! You respect each participant and encourage us to be what we are. "You don't need to draw better (than others). Draw your own style and enjoy it!" I perfectly agree with her.
Now, I'd like to "enjoy" painting a background. I've got interest in still life or flowers for the first time in my life!
I look forward to the final session, a third one. Friends, Happy Painting!
Yuko Nagayama Online Workshop #2
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Joe Biden Wins US Presidential Election
People's choice has masked off the direction to go. Congrats to Joe Biden and USA! His daughter is a social worker that has impressed me much. I hope he will understand people's pain and advocate the disadvantage in a difficult time. We wish the very best to America's future.
Joe Biden Wins US Presidential Election
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Sean Connery, James Bond Actor Dies
Sean Connery dies, best known for his role of James Bond, 007 series in movies. Once, we discussed about the absence of a super idol or a cultural icon in sociology at uni. Sean could be one of the idols who symbolised time and embodied cultures. For the time is there is a changing. Btw, Scotland's national flower is a thistle.
Sean Connery, James Bond Actor Dies
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Old Couple at Bus Stop
An old couple has the beauty of life and marriage, I feel. They share ups and downs in lives to today. My setting is rain and a bus stop. In general, any old couple's caring tells me love and a “life long story.” The same is true of old people, too. So, I often ask them to be my models. I’d like to create picture books on an old couple in the future.
Technically, I enjoyed soft edges and wet in wet in this illustration. I'd explore watercolour more. Friends, Happy Watercolour and Illustration!
Old Couple at Bus Stop
Monday, October 19, 2020
Fruits, Yuko Nagayama Online Course #1
Friends, pandemic
is the chance to grow and try online workshops. Very happy to attend my admiring
world leading watercolourist Yuko Nagayama's course. An online workshop was my first experience. I want to grow. Her say most touched me
was, "Life! When life comes up in work, it’s a beauty.” Lovely. I'm learning from
A to Z. We studied about materials, how to draw such as the importance of observation, value study, colour mixture, colour use etc, etc in two hours.
I enjoyed painting apples after Zoom. Thank you very much, Yuko. She encourages me so much. Two more sessions to go! Happy, Happy Painting.
Fruits, Yuko Nagayama Online Course #1
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Finalist, Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize
Honoured and very happy. My work, "Publisher
Helen Chamberlin" was selected as a finalist in the
2020 Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize. Biennial, included in prominent portraitists. $10,000
for a winner, open to Australia wide, acquisitive in Lismore Regional Gallery.
The judge, the artist Abdul Abdullah. The exhibition from 7 Nov 2020 to 31 Jan
2021. I still can’t believe it. Helen has only encouraged me and let me draw her freely for ages. Oh, thank you for Helen, supporters and you, all
the friends.
Friends, a sky is wide and blue. Let's go in every direction in our lives. Happy Painting!
Finalist, Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Love your Bookshop Day
Love your Bookshop Day in Booktober or October. I ordered books at "Books
Illustrated"! https://www.booksillustrated.com.au/ Ann James and Ann Haddon have promoted
Australian picture books and creators through projects, events and exhibitions
in Australia and overseas. Thank you, Ann, Jess!! You're our superheros and a motor engine in our industry.
Friends, enjoy reading and painting!
Love your Bookshop Day
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Make Dreams Come True
"Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true,"-- Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I believe so, too. I've moved my May Gibbs fellowship to next Oct because of the pandemic. I'm working on the new picture book project that requires research, critical analyses of collected raw data and writing. I will make my dream come true! Friends, thank you for support.
Make Dreams Come True
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Eryldene, Camellia Garden
Eryldene is the most exquisite place, they say.
Quite an interesting and inspiring man, Prof Waterhouse was
a linguist and expert of the camellia! He co-founded the Australian and New
Zealand Camellia Research Society. His house is designed to look along
camellias, a temple, a fountain and a tennis court etc. Click this map. https://www.ticketebo.com.au/the-eryldene-trust/eryldene-open-weekend-sat-11-july.html
Camellias are very popular and common in Japan, do you know?
Eryldene, Camellia Garden
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hard Aport!
As if boats were our lives in the ocean. I, as a captain, want to sail across a stormy sea even on a tiny boat. A dear friend says, "Hope you take plenty of sea sickness tablets. Lovely boat
though." Good point! I'll keep her advice in my mind, because I easily get sick even on a ferry. The rusted boat
and the reflection were charming, btw!
It was lovely to sketch together. I love watercolour painting.
Friends, Happy Painting! And we will get through this pandemic. Take care and stay safe.
Hard Aport!
Monday, September 14, 2020
Cherry Blossoms, Buds, Spring
Melbourne has experienced the outbreak as well as elsewhere in the world. But we will never give up. Friends, take care and stay safe! We will get through this tough time.
Cherry Blossoms, Buds, Spring
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Libby Hathorn Awarded for Lady Cutler Award 2020

Over the decades Libby has generously shared her love of literature with children, teachers, and the community. Through workshops, conferences, festivals and school visits Libby has promoted the importance of story, the valuing of books and libraries all with Australian stories at heart. She has continually sought to raise the standard of literature through both her own work and teaching and mentoring others; from teaching at Sydney University to reaching out to remote communities via video conferencing or in person as an Australia Day Ambassador for over 20 years. Libby has carried the message of the diversity and vibrance of Australian children’s literature far beyond Australia, providing curriculum materials in Africa, Nepal and India. Libby is devoted to ‘spreading the word’ about poetry. She has developed documentaries on poets in association with the State Library of NSW and is currently working on a World Poetry collection encompassing many international voices as well as new picture storybooks. Her work has won honours in Australia, United States, Great Britain and Holland including the Alice Award for her body of work, and the Asher Prize alongside Honour and Notable books in the Children’s Book of the Year Awards run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA).
The Lady Cutler Award commemorates the contribution to the Children’s Book Council of Australia NSW Branch by its former patron, Lady Helen Cutler, and is presented for Distinguished Service in the field of Australian Children’s Literature.
Libby will receive this award in Sydney at a celebratory event to be held on November 21st, 2020. Plans remain fluid due to COVID 19 restrictions. Please refer to cbcansw.org.au for details closer to the date. For a complete list of Libby’s books, awards and other details click here. About the Award The Lady Cutler Award is a bi-ennial award, administered by the CBCA NSW Branch, for Distinguished Service to Children’s Literature. It commemorates the contribution to the Children’s Book Council NSW Branch by Lady Helen Cutler, its first patron, accepting the appointment in 1966, when her husband Sir Roden Cutler became Governor of New South Wales. Lady Cutler continued as Patron of the CBCA NSW Branch until her death in 1990. Lady Cutler saw her role as one of service to the community. She recognised the needs of children and encouraged CBCA NSW Branch members to advance the cause of children’s literature throughout the state. While many have made a significant contribution in this area, their work was often unrecognised, so, in 1981 the CBCA NSW Branch, headed by then President, Eddie Coffey inaugurated the Lady Cutler Award, with sponsorship from Hodder & Stoughton. From 2012 the award came full circle with Eddie Coffey taking up the sponsorship in the name of his company, Peribo The Award consists of: A framed certificate;A cameo (brooch or pendant) The recipient’s name engraved on the base of the perpetual trophy, a Wedgewood vase, and have the honour of retaining the vase until the succeeding award presentation. Nominations should be submitted on the Official Nomination form. Please read the Advice to Nominators & Criteria carefully.
Libby Hathorn Awarded for Lady Cutler Award 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020
Australian Landscape
XVI. The Wind Emily Dickinson
A fashionless delight
It's like the bee, —
A dateless melody.
Private like breeze,
Phraseless, yet it stirs
The proudest trees.
Best when it's done, —
The everlasting clocks
Chime noon.
Australian Landscape
Monday, August 24, 2020
My Work Won ParaArt Award
All the finalists' works were brilliant and amazing. Anyone could be winners. Friends, thank you very much for support and encouragement.
Happy Painting!
Sponsors : Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Agency for Cultural Affairs,Tokyo Metropolitan Government,The Japanese Red Cross Society,
Japan UNICEF Committee, The People’s Republic of China Embassy, Korean Embassy.
My Work Won ParaArt Award
Monday, August 17, 2020
The high tide and waves at a pier
Friends, take care and stay safe in a pandemic! We will get through this tough time.
The high tide and waves at a pier
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature's Great Work
I’d so much appreciate NCACL’s great work!
National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature's Great Work
Saturday, August 8, 2020
World Cat Day
World Cat Day