"Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true,"-- Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I believe so, too. I've moved my May Gibbs fellowship to next Oct because of the pandemic. I'm working on the new picture book project that requires research, critical analyses of collected raw data and writing. I will make my dream come true! Friends, thank you for support.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Eryldene, Camellia Garden
Eryldene is the most exquisite place, they say.
Quite an interesting and inspiring man, Prof Waterhouse was
a linguist and expert of the camellia! He co-founded the Australian and New
Zealand Camellia Research Society. His house is designed to look along
camellias, a temple, a fountain and a tennis court etc. Click this map. https://www.ticketebo.com.au/the-eryldene-trust/eryldene-open-weekend-sat-11-july.html
Camellias are very popular and common in Japan, do you know?
Eryldene, Camellia Garden
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hard Aport!
As if boats were our lives in the ocean. I, as a captain, want to sail across a stormy sea even on a tiny boat. A dear friend says, "Hope you take plenty of sea sickness tablets. Lovely boat
though." Good point! I'll keep her advice in my mind, because I easily get sick even on a ferry. The rusted boat
and the reflection were charming, btw!
It was lovely to sketch together. I love watercolour painting.
Friends, Happy Painting! And we will get through this pandemic. Take care and stay safe.
Hard Aport!
Monday, September 14, 2020
Cherry Blossoms, Buds, Spring
Melbourne has experienced the outbreak as well as elsewhere in the world. But we will never give up. Friends, take care and stay safe! We will get through this tough time.
Cherry Blossoms, Buds, Spring
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Libby Hathorn Awarded for Lady Cutler Award 2020

Over the decades Libby has generously shared her love of literature with children, teachers, and the community. Through workshops, conferences, festivals and school visits Libby has promoted the importance of story, the valuing of books and libraries all with Australian stories at heart. She has continually sought to raise the standard of literature through both her own work and teaching and mentoring others; from teaching at Sydney University to reaching out to remote communities via video conferencing or in person as an Australia Day Ambassador for over 20 years. Libby has carried the message of the diversity and vibrance of Australian children’s literature far beyond Australia, providing curriculum materials in Africa, Nepal and India. Libby is devoted to ‘spreading the word’ about poetry. She has developed documentaries on poets in association with the State Library of NSW and is currently working on a World Poetry collection encompassing many international voices as well as new picture storybooks. Her work has won honours in Australia, United States, Great Britain and Holland including the Alice Award for her body of work, and the Asher Prize alongside Honour and Notable books in the Children’s Book of the Year Awards run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA).
The Lady Cutler Award commemorates the contribution to the Children’s Book Council of Australia NSW Branch by its former patron, Lady Helen Cutler, and is presented for Distinguished Service in the field of Australian Children’s Literature.
Libby will receive this award in Sydney at a celebratory event to be held on November 21st, 2020. Plans remain fluid due to COVID 19 restrictions. Please refer to cbcansw.org.au for details closer to the date. For a complete list of Libby’s books, awards and other details click here. About the Award The Lady Cutler Award is a bi-ennial award, administered by the CBCA NSW Branch, for Distinguished Service to Children’s Literature. It commemorates the contribution to the Children’s Book Council NSW Branch by Lady Helen Cutler, its first patron, accepting the appointment in 1966, when her husband Sir Roden Cutler became Governor of New South Wales. Lady Cutler continued as Patron of the CBCA NSW Branch until her death in 1990. Lady Cutler saw her role as one of service to the community. She recognised the needs of children and encouraged CBCA NSW Branch members to advance the cause of children’s literature throughout the state. While many have made a significant contribution in this area, their work was often unrecognised, so, in 1981 the CBCA NSW Branch, headed by then President, Eddie Coffey inaugurated the Lady Cutler Award, with sponsorship from Hodder & Stoughton. From 2012 the award came full circle with Eddie Coffey taking up the sponsorship in the name of his company, Peribo The Award consists of: A framed certificate;A cameo (brooch or pendant) The recipient’s name engraved on the base of the perpetual trophy, a Wedgewood vase, and have the honour of retaining the vase until the succeeding award presentation. Nominations should be submitted on the Official Nomination form. Please read the Advice to Nominators & Criteria carefully.
Libby Hathorn Awarded for Lady Cutler Award 2020