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Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Study Other Artists Styles

Hi, Friends, did you have a nice weekend?
I'll chat on "my" strategy, how to learn other artists' techniques. I use  "similarities and differences" to study others. Each artist's has different approaches to create work. Their techniques are, in my view, ultimately, theirs. Thus, it's essential to digest another technique and apply it to myself. Then, it's become mine.  
Below, my study of light, colour and wash, based on David Curtis's work, "An Orkney Dawn."
Regarding "similarities," it's easy to get into favorite watercolourists' work or someone similar to one's own style. Practical and very helpful, because it saves lots of time to learn it. Sometimes, unexpected techniques are found to make a same watercolour effect, which fascinates me so much.  
Learning "differences" is quite challenging and interesting! No idea how to do it until I see a demo. So, it's time consuming, sometimes stressful, even though quite adventurous. Making heeps of messes sometimes does not work well. The worst result, in my view, is that losing confidence or losing "who I am." In short, pros and cons in learning other techniques, all comes to an artist's "identity issue." Below, my FIRST experience, PASTEL work!! 
**A dear friend encouraged me to try a pastel workshop. 
(I know, my hair was too short just after hair cut!) 

 Oh, pastel is not easy. I need more time to conquer "Chalk"!

So, I bear in mind my mentor's advice. The mentor, a very experienced landscape watercolorist, said, "Keep your old style so that you can come back to it when you need. Then, keep challenging something new all the time." The wise mentor knew the importance of a healthy self-esteem for an artist. 
I have to confess, I happily went back to watercolour after the pastel class!

Friends, for me, to study other artists' styles is a part of establishing "who I am." Using similarities and differences is effective to learn other techniques. But of course, this is my strategy. Find your own way and work on your style, please!
In addition, we do not need to compare ourselves to others at all.  We're already unique and precious on the earth. I celebrate TONs of messes as "achievements" at the end of a day, because I did my best! This paradox is true. If we accept who we are fully, we begin to change in a better way, naturally. As long as we compel ourselves to change to be someone better, it will not occur. Why? It's an empty effort to be "someone else." When a person accepts herself fully, a person can love herself properly. So, with joy, she begins to change in a better and unique way!
Friends, Happy Painting!! 



  1. don't give up on the pastels so quickly sadami ..your mentor had lots of good advice ..david curtis is a superb artist ..i like your study

    1. Hi, Jane,
      Thank you! Yeah, lucky to have met wonderful mentors in my life. I have David Curtis's "Light and Mood in Watercolour." I need to study landscape more.
      Cheers, Sadami

  2. What beautiful, wise words to accompany beautiful work. Thank you for this thoughtful post.

    1. Dear Elizabeth,
      Welcome and thank you for a kind say! Your blog has very charming work. Please keep up.
      Kind regards, Sadami

  3. An interesting post Sadami full of good advice.

    1. Hi, Teri,
      Thank you! I always enjoy your blog. Your blog makes me happy!
      Cheers, Sadami

  4. Learning from others but never losing oneself - that's what is so great about your work, Sadami; and I'm glad you returned to your true love = watercolor!

    1. Hi, Rhonda,
      Yes, you've got the point of the post!! You, too, be kind to yourself and take it easy. Take care.
      Kind regards, Sadami

  5. Hello Sadami:) I just did a painting in acrylic. The reference photo was a photo of Bob Ross, in america a famous painter. Not my favorite:) I loved doing it but was also afraid of loosing where I'm standing so far with my watercolors. After 9 years painting I still haven't got a style of my own. And now doing acrylic. It's all a little scary. There is so much to learn and to discover.
    Thanks for your lovely post! Have a nice week:) Btw: I love your hair and your pastel is beautiful!!

    1. Oh, Renate,
      You're a brave challenger that always impresses me so much. Like you said all of us have a fear if we stamble down or negative results. But as long as I enjoy what I am fully, I do not have a fear any more. Identity is a big topic. We all keep on building it. Have a look of Picaso's work. He's always changing a style. Let us have fun in the process, revolution.
      I heartily hope you'll enjoy acrylic!
      Thank you for kindness, for my hair style!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  6. muchas gracias Sadami, por tus comentarios y tus consejos en este blog que sigo con tanta alegria y admiracion.
    un saludo.

    1. Muchas gracias, Jose!
      Nos dejó disfrutar de dibujo y pintura completamente!!
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Thank you, Jose!
      Let us enjoy drawing and painting fully!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Jose said...
      Thank you Sadami, for your comments and your advice on this blog that I follow with as much joy and admiration.
      a greeting.

  7. SADAMI you have always such a beautiful smile !
    it's nice to see you !
    yes there are so many things we can learn with others !
    I have always my eyes and ears wide open !
    your work is truly gorgeous
    wish you a very nice week

  8. Oh, Marty, thank you so much! You're always so nice.
    Yes, let our eyes and ears widely open and enjoy art activities fully.
    You, too, keep up wonderful work.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  9. Great work !
    Best regards from France...


    1. Hi, Pierre,
      Thank you so much!
      Best reagrds from Ausrtalia, Sadami

  10. I love reading your blog, Sadami, always so inspirational and friendly too. God bless xx

    1. Oh, Pat, me, too, love enjoying your blog! Let us work on the projects. You do write and I'll work on a picture book. God bless,you, too.
      Very the best, Sadami

  11. a nice picture of you! Your pastel is lovely..much better than most can do!

    1. Hi, Celeste,
      Thank you. You're so nice! I'll study pastel more.
      Cheers, Sadami

  12. さだみさんへ


    1. Dear Midori,
      そうですかあ,300色!私、パステルはド素人ですから皆目分かりません。先生はプロでしたので、彼の持っている色を見ました。私は予算の関係上これはできないと結論しました。実際、誘った友人が彼女のパステルを貸して暮れたのです。後、私は出来るかぎり"simple"に生きるつもりなの。私の水彩の色はごく限られて居ますし、simpleな線で力強く絵を描きたいの. Simpleな線は自信がないとひけません。また、はその裏に何千何万と線を引いて来た結果です。まぐれで描かないのを私は知っています。私は人の目を意識するといい線をひきません。楽しくて嬉しくて描くといいの描きます、で、人と分かち合いたくて見せます。ホント、まぐれで良いの描くのよ、私は、狙って描けた例ありません。
      Kind regards, Sadami

  13. Dear Sadami , you always touching points of interest for those who face art!
    I gladly study the work of other artists! I learn something from everyone ... sometimes the method, sometimes the glazes, sometimes a more mature way of using palette.
    When the study is finished and I return to my work, I self identify with more confidence
    and I improved my technique. Your words are like pearls of wisdom, because you live it all with a great depth and you know communicating it to others in an effective way!
    Have a good week! I like the work you're doing with the pastel,I love the landscape and the portrait with dark background! And then, looking at pictures of the post, it gives me great joy your smile! I hope all best for you:warm regards,Rita.

    1. Dear Rita,
      Thank you very much. I know you, too, are a hard worker who studys others. Like you said, "What profit will a person have if he gains the whole world, but destroys himself or is lost?" is true.
      On the earth, in a limitted time, I'd try every available direction up to the maximum, yet, keeping it up to reach my own set goal in life.
      You, too, have a wonderful and fruitful week!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  14. Hi Sadami, I like your mentor's advice! Interesting post, and it's great to learn something new. Your work is always wonderful, whatever medium!

    1. Hi, Judy,
      Thank you very much! Yes, having nice mentors is so precious assets on the earth. I'll work on my style.
      Cheers, Sadami

  15. I love what you said here. I see many artists who think they have to emulate somebody else's style in order to be considered "good". Then they end up never developing their own signature style and their work is not memorable. It took me a long time to get over the idea that I had to take every workshop and incorporate into my own work everything that the 'better' artist told me he does. Trying to proceed in that frame of mind was stressful and took the fun out of making my art. I have a few artists who I consider my idols, and whose work is the kind of work that I like best. But I also look at my own work quite often before I start a new piece, and remind myself what my own vision is and how each new piece will compliment that vision and also develop it even more. Thanks for an inspirational post. Your haircut looks cute! I really like the work you did in the workshops, especially the boats on the water!

    1. Dear Katherine,
      Thank you! Yes, that's the point!! When people look at a painting and say, "Ah, that's Sadami's work," it'll be my great honour and pleasure. Katherine, I'm convinced that technical stuff will follow me or my enthusiasm. If you really want to know how to do it, you'll find a methods. In my eyes, your work shows who you are, Katherine and it certainly has Katherine's style. So, please keep it, cherish it and develop it.
      Ragarding the hair style, oh, you're so sweet. But I'll enjoy this style so far.
      Let us enjoy our journeies in art.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  16. Una entrada muy interesante como todos los tuyos. Un abrazo.

    1. Hola, Tina,
      ¡Muchas gracias! Vamos a divertirnos!
      Un abrazo, Sadami

      Hi, Tina,
      Thank you very much! Let's have fun!
      A hug, Sadami

      >>>Tina said...
      A very interesting entry as all yours. A hug.

  17. Hola Sadami. Creo que el pastel y la acuarela tienen algunas similitudes en cuanto aplicación de los colores: normalmente comenzar con colores claros y terminar con los más oscuros.
    Yo veo más complicado pintar óleo o acrílico y al mismo tiempo acuarela, yo entraría en conflicto conmigo misma :)
    Me gustan mucho tus pinturas y también todo lo que nos transmites con tus palabras.
    Un afectuoso abrazo. Sonia.

    1. Querida Sonia,
      ¡Gracias! Bueno, pongo lugares más oscuros de colores primero en acuarela. Parece "al revés" a otras personas, pero mi estilo. No sé cómo poner colores en colores pastel. Por lo tanto, sólo seguí la sugerencia de un maestro, incluso resistente que no recuerdo cómo lo hice más.
      Espero que usted tendrá un tiempo maravilloso y divertido en cualquier medio para dibujar y pintar. Alegría debe venir primero.
      Saludos cordiales, Sadami

      Dear Sonia,
      Thank you! Well, I do put colours darkest places first in watercolour. It seems "upside down" to other people, but my style. I do not know how to put colours in pastel. So, I just followed a teacher's suggestion, even tough I cannot remember how I did it any more.
      I hope you will have a wonderful and fun time in any media for drawing and painting. Joy must come first.
      Kind regards, Sadami

      >>>Sonia said...
      Hello Sadami. I think that pastel and watercolor have some similarities in how application of colors: typically begin with light colors and finish with darker.
      I see more complicated to paint oil or acrylic and watercolor, while I would conflict with myself :)
      I really like your paintings and also everything that we transmit with your words.
      An affectionate hug. Sonia.

  18. Sadami San
    Hisashiburidesu. Sydney ni ikitai. Animashouka?

    Will you email me please :).lets draw and have coffee :)


    1. Yahooooo, Evelyn!
      ひさしぶりですネ! Come over Sydney! Yes, let's get together!!
      Yes, let's have fun together.
      Cheers, Sadami

  19. Whatever medium you paint with...its always beautiful...Don't give up on pastels,'re doing great!!! I still find it challenging to work with oils and as far as watercolor!!! I will always enjoy your work because I find it absolutely impossible!!!! LOL Have a wonderful day!!

    1. Oh, Hilda,
      Thank you very much! You're soooo kind and caring. I heartily admire your pastel skills. Truly amazing. I need more time and more money to tackle pastel. Please keep up your sensitive and beautiful pastel work. You, too, have a nice week!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  20. Hola Sadami!! Me encanta tu primera acuarela, la del paisaje, es preciosa! El pastel no se te da nada mal, no me extraña ya que eres una gran artista !! :) hugs

    1. Hola, Mari,
      ¡Muchas gracias! Usted, también, siempre disfruta del arte. Vamos a divertirnos juntos y esperamos podemos animar a otros!
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Hi, Mari,
      Thank you very much! You, too, always enjoy art. Let's have fun together and hope we can encourage each other!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Mari said...
      Hello Sadami! I love your first watercolor of the landscape, it's beautiful! The cake is not giving you bad, no wonder since you're a great artist! :) hugs

  21. Using another medium we are not used to is a real challenge because it requires a lot of courage and patience. However, I think it makes you more flexible and broadens your mind. Congratulations on your study. Lovely work!! Keep going.

    1. Hi, Anna,
      Yes, it is! I'll enjoy exploring anything. "Go every direction in limitation" gives me "unlimiation."
      Cheers, Sadami
