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Monday, May 13, 2013

Life Drawing & Robin Norling Contact!

Hi, Friends, I've been busy with the two picture book projects. The education project has a due date in this week. I'm at the last page! Nearly there. In busy days, life drawing refreshes me every Monday evening. Here we go!  All work, A2.

BTW, Oh, my! Blogging brings unexpected happy encounter!  Robin Norling, a very famous artist and well-respected lecturer contacted me!!! His very close friend, working with Robin for years at NSW Art Gallery found my blog post on Robin's teaching about life drawing. Robin and his friend courteously sent me a special thank you letter with his book for art students. They say my blog post has "touched Robin." Their contact encourages me so much. Oh, I'm so happy(never expected his contact)! Also, happy to tell them my achievements as an artist.  I much owe my success to his kindness and teaching at NSW Gallwery 16 yrs ago. His teaching is in me, an artist Sadami. Below, 20 minutes.

Back to the topic, life drawing. What motivates you for life drawing?  The beauty of human bodies is awesome. It motivates me to draw it. I always feel something in a model. Even in the same model, my interests are different such as movement, face expression, colour, proportion, posture etc, etc. Below, I played with colours and strong lines. 15 minutes. 
 I do not know how to say my feelings in language. It's much like "instinct." I just respond to something I feel. My picture book illustration mentor says, "Your first language is drawing, visual person!"  Hahaha, so true. Each model's face expression quite interests me. Ah, life drawing always reminds me that I am a portraitist, too. Done in 20 minutes. 

How do you start up life drawing? My life drawing process is much like sports. I start playing with lines by a graphite for warm up. When "something" in a model excites me and I cannot stop my joy, I'll pick up watercolour brushes(= until I feel something, I do not start). I forget everything and just have fun on paper. 

But mannerism should be eschewed.  This week, I'd challenge a "direct watercolour painting and drawing later" methods again.  I still can remember Robin showed us to try different methods of drawings. It taught me the importance of flexibility and exploring of  creativity. Also,  blogging brings wonderful encounters on the earth. Let's enjoy this communication methods that enriches us. 
Friends, Happy Painting!!



  1. Fantásticos desnudos, Sadami. ¡Suerte con tus nuevos proyectos!
    Un abrazo.

    1. ¡ Gracias, Onera!
      Sí, trabajaré en los proyectos.
      Un abrazo, Sadami

      Thank you, Onera!!!
      Yes, I'll work on the projects.
      A hug, Sadami

      >>>Onera said...
      Fantastic nudes, Sadami. Luck with your new projects!
      A hug.

  2. Hello Sadami:) Congratulations with being contacted by a famous artist and also with finishing the education book project. Your sketches are so lovely and spontanious painted. Real nice! :)

    1. Hi, Renate, thank u so much! Yes, Robin is well known and respected, particularly, in art education. He sent me the book for art students. I'm working hard to finish up the picture book. Nearly there. Your cheers are great help.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  3. Eres maravillosa pintando figuras!!!
    Un abrazo.

    1. Joshemari, gracias! Sus paisajes y figuras son encantadores, demasiado!
      Un abrazo, Sadami

      Joshemari, thank you!! Your landscapes and figures are lovely, too!
      A hug, Sadami

      >>>Joshemari said...
      You're wonderful painting figures!
      A hug.

  4. Excellent life drawings! Wow! As a watercolorist I appreciate it all the more. All you capture in such a short time is masterful! Congratulations on being so close to completing the book! Sorry I haven't been around of late - life has been extra challenging, but I am back - and I have caught up (mostly) on your posts. I agree, btw - practice is what does it much more than talent. Thanks for being around and keeping us up!

    1. Hi, Dan, thank u so much! Your post always have wonderful drawings and thoughtful contents. Please keep up. I love drawing figures. It's life and us!
      Yes, I've never seen a successful artist, who reached that position only with talent. I always see their tons of efforts, sweat and tears behind their success.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  5. Your life paintings are brilliant. If I did life drawing they are how I would wish to paint them. I do like the strategically placed copyright logos!!!!

    1. Hi, Polly, ahahaha, thank you! You have to come and join our life drawing class. No teacher. So, we help each other from 6 to 9. Very friendly.
      Cheers, Sadami

  6. what great paintings! You always inspire me. I love how devoted you are to your work.

    1. Hi, Celeste, thank u! You, too, always inspire me. I'll enjoy my work. So happy.
      Cheers, Sadami

  7. Felicidades, Sadami!! Esto es mucho más que pintar. Mucha energía para tus proyectos.

    Happy Painting!!

    1. Oh, gracias, J.Paz.
      Yo mantener y disfrutar de mis proyectos.
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Oh, thank you, J.Paz.
      I'll keep up and enjoy my projects.
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>J. Paz said...
      Congratulations, Sadami! This is much more than paint. Much energy for your projects.

  8. And happy painting to you, Sadami. These are wonderful works and I like how you don't pick up the watercolor brush until you feel excited by something in the model. Great way to touch the model with the brush and paint and then touch your viewer with your excitement at that moment. What a great thing, getting contact from someone you so admire!! One never knows what their blog will do - or who will see it.

    1. Hi, Rhonda, thank u very much! How thoughtful you are!! I always learn lot from you. Yes, blogging is a good communication methods. Yes, I could meet you! Take care and enjoy drawing and photos.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  9. What an honour to hear from someone you admire so much! Your life sketches are really great!

    1. Hi, Judy, thank u! Yes, his contact made my day. Let's enjoy blogging!!
      Cheers, Sadami

  10. ¡Auténticas lecciones de dibujo, Sadami!
    Un abrazo

    1. Gracias, Juan!
      Podrá mantenerse. Saludos, Sadami

      Thanks, Juan!!
      I'll keep up. Cheers, Sadami

      >>>Juan said...
      Authentic drawing, Sadami lessons!
      A hug

  11. Ciao Sadami,
    sempre sulla cresta dell'onda con questi corpi che parlano e si mostrano al mondo rappresentando una specie di fatica di vivere in cui tutti si possono ritrovare!
    Ciao, abbracci, Floriana

    1. Ciao, Fleriana,
      Grazie! Sì, io amo la "vita" in noi, huamns e quant'altro, creature!! Sapete la bellezza della vita. Continuate la vostra pittura acquerello meraviglioso!
      Ciao e abbracci, Sadami

      Hi, Fleriana,
      Thank you! Yes, I love "life" in us, huamns and whatever, creatures!! You know the beauty of life. Keep up your wonderful watercolour painting!
      Ciao and hugs, Sadami

      >>>Floriana said...
      Hi Sadami,
      on the crest of a wave with these bodies which speak and show themselves to the world representing some kind of effort to live where everybody can find!
      Hello, hugs, Floriana
