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Monday, May 6, 2013

Nurture vs Nature

Hi, Friends, how is your weekend?
This week, I'll chat over talents vs efforts in how I've learned human figure drawing. Often people ask me Qs while sketching people. The typical two questions respresent nature vs nurture
"Wow, you're talented," 
"How/where did you learn it? "

According to Oxford Dictionary, "talent" is "natural aptitude or skill." 
In the analysis, the semantic definition is quite vague, because something being "natural" or (a person is) born with a specific skill is, again, ambiguous. Can any kid draw well? Could anyone compose 9 symphonies or paint Sistine chapel from the beginning of life? My drawings in young days had nothing outstanding.

Only the difference from other kids was I loved drawing! No less than others! Today, some parents show me thier children's paintings that they believe talented. I really do not know which work is good or not. Parents urge me for suggestion. I reply, "Does your child like drawing? If so, encourage him/her to keep up." My answer often dissapoints the parents who expects so high. (I always feel sorry for children silently standing beside their parents.)  

Also, people often ask me to teach how to draw a human. No magic, but practice. “Every artist was first an amateur,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson and true. My adivce is, "Sketch people for 3 or 5 minutes every day. Just only ONE drawing is enough. But keep up." Sadly, none of advice seekers has come back to me with a sucessful story, so far. I've been drawing people for years. Not wise to expect too much so soon. 

As far as I know, all the big names have made manmous efforts behind their masterpieces. Perseverance and endurance are great assets that I call talents. In my view, the people, who have been "diligent" and "never given up," become wonderful artists. A talent, the dictionary definition above, is not the necessary element to be an artist, in my view.

The graffiti for those years have clarified my direction to go, "figures and illustrations." Later, when I started watercolour, I began to  "loosen up" my realistic approach. I'm still learning lots and your blogs are great teachers and .... to the present! 
So, I'm nothing different from others, but long years drawing.

Nurture seems to be more important than a vague talent. Also,  enthusiasm for drawing is vital! Joy must come first. Otherwise, we cannot keep it up. Yet, some opinions might support talent. So, lastly, I'd devote this say for you and myself,
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" --- Erma Bombeck
Friends, let us use what we have up to the maximum! The picture book projects are going well. Very happily busy!
Happy Painting and Happy Drawing!! 



  1. What a wonderful teaching you are giving us, Sadami. True, only 3-5 minutes a day and who doesn't have that to spare instead of other things we do to fill our time. I feel, deep down, that there are so many skillful portrait and figure artists and that, while admiring them so much, that is not where my heart lies. I think it lies in nature - particularly all flowers and animals. But keep on painting these wonderful watercolor figures, Sadami, and I will keep on enjoying them, knowing this is where your heart lies :)

    1. Hi, Rhonda, thank u! But please never feel down. Other people are other people. We do not need to be someone else. I'm happy to know you're finding the way to go -- could be "nature"? Please be kind to yourself and look at you with care and love. Talking of myself, yes, I'll keep up figures. Our directions could be different, but we're in art. I always send you my warm cheers!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Very interesting, and here is something I remember someone saying - Perfect practice makes perfect! I think the love of something or someone is the secret though to enjoying whatever you do in life.

    1. Hi, Polly, thank u! Oh, I do not know what perfect practice, but practice makes better results, is true. And nothing is perfect. Like you said, love gives us wings to overcome obstacles.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  3. merci , Sadami pour tes posts encourageant.parfois je me dis "à quoi bon , je n'ai pas de talent" mais je continue et des blogs comme le tien sont précieux. encore merci
    bonne semaine artistique

    1. Merci, Isabelle ! Je suis très heureux de savoir que ce petit post peut vous encourager. Il suffit de garder dessin. Isabelle, j'ai déterminé à tracer ligne autant que possible et ne pas perdre un moment. Nous devons profiter réunissant. Je vous envoie mes applaudissements chaleureuses!!
      Meilleurs voeux, Sadami

      Thank you, Isabelle! I'm very happy to know this small post can encourage you. Just keep up drawing. Isabelle, I've determined to draw line as many as possible and not waste a time. Let us enjoy drawing together. I send you my warm cheers!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Isabelle said...
      Thanks, Sadami your posts encourageant.parfois tell myself "what good, I don't have talent" but I continue to blogs like yours are precious. Thanks again
      good arts week

  4. I like what Winslow Homer says about talent : 'What they call talent is nothing but the capacity for doing continuous work in the right way'
    or Richard Schmid's quote
    'Don't bother about whether or not you have it. Just assume that you do, and then forget about it. Talent is a word we use after someone has become accomplished. There is no way to detect it before the fact... or to predict when or if mastery will click into place. '

    Have a nice week!

    1. Hi, Anna, thank u! I like your quotes, too. I just keep drawing. You know that drawing gives me an answer, when I get lost. You, too, enjoy a wonderful week!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

  5. Geniales tus palabra sobre "el talento", tanto como tus pinturas, disfrutemos mientras aprendemos, solo eso nos llevaremos de esta vida, la felicidad de "hacer"

    1. ¡ Gracias Beatriz! Sí, tu opinion es cierto. Vamos a tener diversión en dibujo juntos!!
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Thank you, Beatriz! Yes, your say is true. Let us have fun in drawing together!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Beatriz said...
      Cool your word on "talent", as much as your paintings, enjoy while we learn, only that we will take this life, the joy of "making"

  6. I love your work and I love that Erma Bombeck quote you shared with us. Thank you!

    1. Hi, Debbie, thank u! I love your work, too. Very happy to know you enjoy the post. Keep up your lovely etegami that makes us happy.
      Cheers, Sadami

  7. You always teach us wonderful lessons, and this one is very true! Wonderful!

    1. Thank u, Judy. No, I never give you any lesson. Becuase you're wise, you can find something in itʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ. Have a wonderful week!
      Cheers, Sadami

  8. yes yes yes and YES, great advices Sadami, and I have to say I love that mike in the last sketch of today's post, terrific

    1. Teresa, thank u! Very happy to know you enjoy this post. I look forward to your blog post, too.
      Cheers, Sadami

  9. some sound advice sadami ...have a good week

    1. Hi, Jane, thank u! You,too, have a wonderful week! Cheers, Sadami

  10. Thank you fot this post Sadami.It's very encouraging and helpful for me as I'm self-taught artist and I always thought that I've no talent for drawing or painting. But I really love to paint flowers and I do it almost every day. As to people and figures they are too complicated for me but I sometimes sketch my daughters. You say "5 minute sketch a day"... Hmm... it seems possible and why not to try?
    Have a good fruitful week!

    1. Hi, Agnieszka, thank u so much! I know you everyday sketch flowers. They are so beautiful and you're already blooming out like those flowers. "5 minute sketch a day" is for flowers, for you! I believe talents are in an individual's favorite areas. If you like, keep it. It does not give you pain. Rather, we enjoy difficulties and overcome them, don't we! If you do not like it, you do not need to push yourself. Enjoy sketching flowers and put yourself in a heaven!
      Now, I'll get back to the picture book projects.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  11. As always full of reflections and common sense advice. Like you, to those who tell me that I have talent for watercolor - like during my participation in a recent workshop - and I say that I work a lot and I always try to improve myself.
    Bonne semaine Sadami ;)

    1. Hi, Lydie, thank u! Yes indeed! We're hard workers, aren't we! I have nothing, but can offer perseverance and diligence. Now, I'll get back to the picture book projects. The education one has a due date in a next week.
      Best wishes, Sadami

  12. A wonderful post indeed. I always love to hear your thoughts on these kind of things. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Teri, thank u! Your blog posts always bring us love and joy!
      Cheers, Sadami

  13. Un tabajo fantastico Sadami, como siempre!! abrazos

    1. Hola, Mari, gracias! Usted, también, disfruta de dibujo!
      Saludos, Sadami

      Hi, Mari, thank you! You, too, enjoy drawing!
      Cheers, Sadami

      >>>Mari said...
      A fantastic Sadami, as always work! Hugs

  14. Estimada Sadami, me ha gustado leer tu texto, nos das muchos sabios consejos que nos enriquecen. Estoy muy contenta de poder seguir tu trayectoria artística por medio de tu blog. Gracias por tu generosidad.
    Mis mejores deseos parta ti.

    1. Estimado clase Sonia,
      ¡Muchas gracias! Siempre me animan. Me encantan tus cuadros. su blog posts y pinturas están siempre llenos de amor y alegría. Hacen lectores feliz. Por favor mantenerse!!
      Mis mejores deseos, Sadami

      Dear kind Sonia,
      Thank you very much! You always encourage me. I love your paintings. your blog posts and paintings are always full of love and joy. They make readers happy. Please keep up!!
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>Sonia said...
      Dear Sadami, I liked reading your text, give us many wise advice that enrich us. I am very happy to be able to follow your career through your blog. Thank you for your generosity.
      Best wishes from you split it.

  15. Again, pleasure to see and to read. So wise and so from deep of experience. I so agree with you. Hard work, learning, links with other professionals and courage to believe in oneself, these ones can make miracles in any human activity.

    1. Hi, Irina,
      Thank u very much! You know them all. All what we need is to carry them out. Let us share joy in darwing!!
      Best wishes, Sadami
