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Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, "Mule" EDiM for Sydney Sketch Club

I did not know the difference between a mule and a donkey until I challenged May 7. Anyway, the point is, I wanted to depict children's big interest in everything. I love watching at kids observing anything interesting. Me, too, have interest in anything. Or my brain level is same as children! My mentor, Ann James wrote on me in a letter, "Sadami’s fascination with the human condition - her tender depiction of people’s stories in deft line and wash - have trained her with skills she needs as an illustrator. She has empathy, a child-centred view and a passion to create picture books."  Wow, it is very lovely. I'm very proud of it and grateful for Ann's support. I ... got blushed up like a rose, when I read it.
I want to see the world from children's point of view and depict it in my work. It is strange that not many of us, adults remember how saw the world like children, although once, we, all of us were children. Or is it too busy to do it again in a competitive society?
So far, Sydney Sketch Club members really love my work.  I've found my point of view and developing an idea is very unique among 60 participants. They love it. Thank you.
A "magnifying glass" is the theme of tomorrow.
Friends, Happy Painting!


  1. Gorgeous painting of the children and mule :-)

    1. Thank you very much, Ann!! I enjoyed washes, a mood and a children centralised view. Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Hi Sadami. The excitement in the eyes of a child is the most beautiful images. When this look doesn´t disappear with the time, as beautiful as yours drawings are available. :)
    Congratulations. Take care much!

    1. Thank you very much, J. Paz, for your very nice comment! I enjoyed washes, a mood and a children centralised view. You, too, enjoy drawing!! Best wishes, Sadami

  3. Loving your take on each of these Challenge Words, Sadami!!

    1. Oh, sweet Rhonda, thank you! I do my best!! Cheers, Sadami
