Koji Ryui's "Singing Vessels" is beautiful and tranquil, my favourite. Many transparent balls and vessels. It's inspiring. Seeing is believing. Come and feel it.
The most eye provoking work is Ai Weiwei, "Law of the journey", refugees and human rights issues. Being an exhibition host is privileged to have an interpersonal conversation with visitors. Anyone can interpret Ai Weiwei's work in her own way, yet, this work certainly conveys a strong message – which amazes me. Wow, I’m learning a lot.
Biennale Sydney Cockatoo Island has a lots more fascinating art works. If you have a time, come and enjoy interesting art work. Biennale Sydney will wrap up on 11 June. You may see me on Cockatoo Island. The great bonus. Through a volunteer work, I could learn lot about contemporary art and saw many lovely and interesting people having dreams in art.
Now, my teaching at primary school is going well. Other projects, too. Very busy though, I love a creative life and thank for many supporters. Friends, I appreciate your strong support and friendship.
Friends, Happy Painting! Art brings us friendship.