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Sunday, May 30, 2021

NSW Governor Book Launches CBCA anthology

NSW Governor Margaret Beazley launched CBCA NSW Eastern Branch's anthology, "Old Worlds New Worlds Other Worlds" at NSW State Library on 28th May. To all the staff in CBCA, NSW Governor and my text author Libby Hathorn I bow in a humble gratitude. Our project had a tight time frame, but it ended with my sense of fulfilment, joy and relief. I owe CBCA and all other creators, special thanks to Margaret Hamilton AM. The NSW Governor Margaret Beazely and author Libby Hathorn chatted over our work, “Just Look!” pp67-72, included in the book. Come over Sadami Konchi's facebook and instagram! You can find more information on our Australian children picture book industry and CBCA for Children's Book Council of Australia.

私の隣の方が NSW州知事, governor book launcher です (* 英連邦 システム です). 子供の文学,教育,識字に がんばる私達CBCAを応援して下さる優しいパトロンです(*Governorは法出身です). 忙しかった😂けど, がんばってスケッチしました😊. スケッチに 私はサインしてもらい, 記念, 宝物にしています. 有名人のサインが たまるのは 楽しいです. がんばったかいが ありました. ありがとうございます. The NSW Governorと作者リビーが 作品に ついて 談笑. 私がイラストした Libby Hathorn 作品です. すごく心温まる物語りです.  
#cbca #ownwowanthology #bookweek2021 #oldworldsnewworldsotherworlds #ownwow #cbcansw #cbca #childrensbooks #childrensanthology #anthologyforkids #newbook #booklaunch #australiankidsbooks #primaryschoolbooks #primaryschoolstories #teachersofinstagram #teachersgonnateach #teacherpower



  1. Very interesting !!!
    Congratulation !!!

    1. Thank you very much, Mystelios for encouragement. Yes, the memorable night. Our book was published by the NSW Governor. Great! Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Replies
    1. Oh, sweet Olga, so you are! Thank you very much for support. I'll keep studying watercolour and drawing. Love and smile, Sadami
