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Monday, May 24, 2021

Monet and Friends 3D exhibition

A friend and I enjoyed “Monet and Friends” exhibition. The photos are below. Here, my study of Monet's self portrait. Friends, see you this Friday, the book launch of “Old Worlds New Worlds Other Worlds” at NSW State Library! 友逹 と #モネ#印象派達#展覧会 を 楽しみました. これはモネの #自画像 を 私が #水彩 で 勉強 したものです. サテ, この 金曜 に NSW #州立 #図書館 で#cbca が 本 のおひろめをします. #州知事 #governorが book launcher です (* 英連邦 の システム です). スゴイ! あって きまあす!! #statelibrary #sadamikonchi #watercolour #impressionists #colour #light #form #subject #french #art #sydney #australia #picturebook #illustrator #childrenliterature #cbca

The quotes from artists were inspiring and very interesting! Impressionists enthusiasm impressed me most; their passion their #passion to #light #colours #forms #techniques and #subjects . たくさん artistsの 引用された 言葉が 含蓄が あり, すてき でした.  #monet #friends #exhibition #sadamikonchi #french #art #impressionism #3D #sydney #australia



  1. Wow! This was so cool to walk into the paintings and have the images surround you. And I like your portrait - you always capture the person’s personality somehow!!

    1. Oh, so sweet Rhonda, thank you! Yes, visitors walk in and around and get absorbed in paintings. Images move in 3D. Btw, hopefully, Monet will like my copy of his selfie. Please take care. Stay safe and well. Love and smile, Sadami

  2. Oh wow this is so cool !!! And I love the portrait you have painted - you have captured the intensity in his eyes !

    1. So sweet Meera, thank you very much! I always focus on the eyes in a model in a portrait. Enjoy your drawing and painting adventure!! Best wishes, Sadami
