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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Arts Activated Conference 2016 by Accessible Arts NSW

The conference is wonderful to update information, catch up others and expand network. Accessible Arts NSW staff advocates artists with disabilities and any involved people such as peak bodies and supporters. There, as if a world value became "upside down and inside out," because usually discriminated people were the centre of the world! I felt so good. No one looked at my leg or sometimes wibble wobble walking. All the staff and participants, we smiled each other and nicely enjoyed chats. I often shared time with deaf people. I really did not mind deaf. My drawing amused deaf artists : Sue Jo Wright and Luke King. 
New friends : Sue (*above) is a photographer and a $6,000 grants recipient last year. Luke King is lovely and one of the presenters in a workshop! He is a visual artist (*so good at biro drawing!) and Auslan curator at National Gallery of Victoria. This is a part of his work. 
Andy Warhol , Ai Weiwet Access Tours in Aulan @ National Gallery of Victoria. Guided tour in Auslan only, no voice translation provided. Tour leader Luke King, artist. Cost Free, Exhibition admission fees apply. Meet Exhibition entrance.  Luke is a visual artist with a BA of Fine Arts (Hons).  Luke runs a workshop to lecture and lead art tours for deaf people and Auslan students.
Sue and Luke were very friendly. I could not understand Auslan at all. I was a deaf among them and Auslan interpreters. I only "twice" used papers and talked with Sue. Our healthy and rich quietness made me comfortable. All of us loved photos and drawings. We looked at our works, saying, "Ooohhhh!!" "Waaahhhh!!" laughed, giggled, smiled and enough! Art is universal language!!
Sue introduced me to a Disability Discrimination Commissioner from Human Rights Commission (*I've loved that organisation for ages!) An Auslan Interpreter from Melbourne asked to pass on hello to my mentor Ann James. (*I'm always so proud of my mentors, Books Illustrated and Helen Chamberlin to anyone! They become a good conversation opening with others.) The interpreter remembered Books Illustrated and felt like visiting there. Btw, sometimes, people mistook me for a deaf at the conference. 

In the key speakers, Pádraig Naughton from Arts & Disability Ireland impressed me most. His life story and very caring advice was great. 
  • Expertise.  
  • Connect a local level, first, and grow.  
  • Disability led practice, but art work/activities need to involve whole/any people.  
  • Don't do it alone. Make friends as many as possible. Collaborate. 
Three key speakers : Left to Right, Veronica Pardo (Arts Access Victoria), Emma Bennison (Accessible Arts Australia),  Pádraig Naughton ( Arts & Disability Ireland).  I had a chat with each person later. Emma's good memory amazed me. She said, "You're a drawer! You sketched me!" (*Emma remembered my voice and name!) I met her at Accessible Arts Australia conference 2012.
In addition, I became a finalist twice at their national arts competitions.    

However, the Arts Activated Conference did not cover the need of non English speakers. Sadly, only a few non English speakers participated it. When I addressed my concern about the lack of services for non English speakers, Emma agreed me and asked me, "Keep in touch." I told her, "I'm happy to offer a help in my capacity." Settlement Services International asked me lots of questions on how to advocate clients. He said, "Language barrier is another disability." In my mind, "No, non English speakers are not disabled. A social system has dysfunction," I thought though, listening to his thoughts. I hope that equal access of arts for anyone will come true. Mulitlingualism must be achieved for equal access. 

Btw, do ye realise? In Auslan, a right hand is used more often than a left hand, I've found. An interpreter agreed me. We chatted over sign language. Each country has a different sign language. If we can have a universal sign language, it would be lovely. 

Facebook helps to expand my network and enhances it. Very interesting and fun to connect others and get feedback and warm cheers from FB friends. You'll find deaf people, Auslan interpreters and Pj Lynch, too on my facebook. 
Yey, my hero Pj says he is honoured to be a judge of an art competition with Padraig at Christmas. 
An effective use of a social media platform is a very good networking strategy. I met the staff from Australian Museum. Their executive and I are good friends. So, we enjoyed a chat. I hope we will nurture our friendship. 

Special thanks for all Accessible Arts NSW the staff and volunteers. You are the real heroes and made this wonderful event happen for us. 

The conference refreshed me. I could get back to the picture book project and others and made a good progress. Thank you for a strong support. I feel my life gets richer! I want you, too, make your life rich!  Cheers, ((Hugs)).  
Friends, Happy Painting!! 



  1. Wonderful sketches of wonderful people - your humanity shines Sadami!

    1. Thank u, Cathy! Yours, too, we know!! The conference refreshed me. I made a very good progress in picture book illustration. Cheers, Sadami

  2. Such delightful sketches and a very thoughtful blog post !

    1. Oh, thank you, Meera! There's no problem to communicate, if there's art, universal language. It is a great fun for me to have a chat with deaf people. Best wishes, Sadami

  3. These are all so wonderful and my favorite is the last one - this is PJ? You bring us to the conference with you by sharing your sketches of everyone.

    1. Thank u, Rhonda! No, he's not PJ. The sketch was the presenter. PJ Lynch is an Irish legend in picture book industry and fine art. I'll keep up. Thank you for warm cheers all the time. Cheers, Sadami

  4. Querida Sadami, el dibujo es un lenguaje internacional, que abre muchas puertas. Tengo una amiga, gran pintora, que es sorda y nos entendemos con escritos (en español) y dibujos y no hay problema.
    Eres muy buena Sadami, porque ayudas a todos los que lo necesitan. Es admirable.
    He escrito a Ann Haddon y espero que me solucione el problema. No soy muy listo con las computadoras y no me gusta comprar a través de Internet. En tu caso, si es posible, haré una excepción. Si llego a recibir ese libro, me gustaría que pusieses alguna palabra, además de tu firma, si es posible. Pero no te preocupes si te proporciona dificultades. Lo comprendo!
    Un abrazo.

    1. Estimado Joshemari,
      Muchas gracias por su colaboración clase. Usted tiene un amigo artista sorda maravillosa. Espero que podamos hacer amigos con nadie por el art. Joshemari, eres un caballero encantador!

      No es necesario que se atreven a comprar libros en absoluto. Por eso nunca empujo otros. En mi creencia, cuando el dinero / negocio entra en un chat de amigos de una puerta de entrada, la amistad en silencio va a salir de los amigos de una puerta trasera. Así, a pesar de que puse la información de mis libros en un blog, voy a nunca, nunca, empujar a otros. Ya sabes, estoy seguro de que voy a morir en la pobreza.

      Estoy trabajando en el próximo proyecto de libro de imágenes y otros proyectos. Estoy muy feliz - que es el punto! Usted, también, por favor toma el cuidado y disfrutar de dibujo.
      Los mejores deseos, Sadami

      Dear Joshemari,
      Thank you very much for your kind feedback. You have a wonderful deaf artist friend. I hope we can make friends with anyone by art. Joshemari, you're a lovely gentleman!

      You do not need to dare to buy books at all. That's why I NEVER push others. In my belief, when money / business comes into a chat of friends from a front door, friendship will silently get out of the friends from a backdoor. So, although I put the information of my books in a blog, I'll never, ever, push others. You know, I'm sure I'll die in poverty.

      I'm working on the next picture book project and other projects. I'm very happy -- that's the point! You, too, please take care and enjoy drawing.
      Best wishes, Sadami

      >>>>>>>Joshemari said...
      Dear Sadami, drawing is an international language that opens many doors. I have a friend, a great painter, who is deaf and we understand written (in Spanish) and drawings and no problem.
      You're very good Sadami, because it helps all in need. It is admirable.
      I wrote to Ann Haddon and hope I solve the problem. I'm not very smart with computers and I do not like to shop over the Internet. In your case, if possible, I'll make an exception. If I get that book, I'd like a word ordain besides your signature, if possible. But do not worry if you provide difficulties. I understand!
      A hug.
