Next date: Saturday, 26 August 2023 | 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM

1 Pope Street, Ryde 2112
The state-of-the-art facility blends the very latest in library design, comfort and accessibility with expanded collections, reading and study spaces, free wireless internet, activity zones and meeting rooms.
Learn, create and grow your watercolour painting skills in this workshop for all levels of artists. You will learn tips and tricks with using washes, crayons/waxing to paint the stings, pollen and highlights of the thistle flower. The simplicity of this humble flower is especially suited to beginners, as long as you can draw circles, you'll be a winner! All materials will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own watercolour sets. Take home your masterpiece to impress your friends and family.
Sadami will also be displaying an exhibition of her works at Ryde Library during the month of August.
About the Artist
Sadami Konchi is an enthusiastic, talented and award-wining fine artist and children’s picture book illustrator. What makes Sadami's works so special is her skill in capturing movement and emotions by colourful and lively expressions. She conjures up this magic in minutes. Quick brush strokes are subtly executed to accurately capture all facial expressions and postures.
What you may not know is that her connection to people is more than observational. She has volunteered, supported and advocated for the homeless and for people living with disability. Her sensitivity and authentic love for her fellow humans can be seen in her greatest strength – creating empathetic portraits. These ‘humanistic’ snapshot-like sketches have been described as “spontaneous and beautiful”.
Her many awards include 2023 Doyle Arts Prize Highly Commended, Royal QLD Art Prize Finalist, 2022 May Gibbs Fellowship, 2021 RS Australia Portrait Finalist 2020 Hurford Portrait Finalist, 2019 Australia Council for Arts Grant recipient 2017, Doug Moran Portrait Prize Semifinalist, 2017 WestWords Pinerolo Illustrators in Residence and more.