“We Children in the Narrow Road to the Deep North” have arrived. Libby Hathorn’s sweet Christmas card came to me on the same day. Oh, so happy. The print version can be preorderd, https://bit.ly/3mVSMiR (IP Kidz). Thank you very much for IP Kidz team, editor Helen Chamberlin, mentors Books Illustrated (Ann James & Haddon), sociolinguistics Language on the Move, CBCA, SCBWI, IBBY, ASA, NAVA, all the peak bodies and supporters, YOU!
“奥の細道の子供達”が 届きました Libbyの優しい クリスマスカードがちょうど同じ日に 私の所に届きました. 嬉しいです. 感激で胸いっぱいになります. このアドレスからオーダーできます https://bit.ly/3mVSMiR (IP Kidz). 本当にありがとうございます. IP Kidz出版, 編集Helen Chamberlin, 私を指導してくださった Books Illustrated, 社会言語学 Language on the Move Teamそして他の全ての支援団体 の人たちが この 絵本を制作するにあたり励ましてくださいました. もちろんあなたもです !!本当にありがとうございます.
#sadamikonchi #picturebook #journey #enthusiasm #literature #nature #kimono #kids #東北 #絵本 #奥の細道
#watercolour #pencildrawing #graphitedrawing #illustration #sydney #australia #芭蕉 #俳句
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Our Picturebooks Have Arrived
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Monotone Yuko Nagayama Online Course
Monotone Yuko Nagayama Online Course
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Step to Tomorrow
“Step to Tomorrow” is the title of my work to submit to Yuko Nagayama’s #online #workshop . My mémoire of the #past the #present and #hope for the #future . I’d dedicate this work for anyone struggling or suffering in #chronic conditions and #disabilities . I believe in hope and never give up. Yes, this pig flies and must keep flying. Today, I enjoy walking 3 to 5 km daily, although I dragged a whole paralysed left leg at the onset, more than 15 years ago. Neurologically, no improvement, but determined Sadami’s physiotherapy has #compensated the #functional #deficit = built up another nerve system to walk again. It was challenging to leave a walking stick, but I made it happen. Thank you for my medical team and all the supporters, YOU!
Step to Tomorrow
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Libby & Sadami presentation @ CBCA Blue Mountains
P.S. The entry, “escargot” was delicious! According to a restaurant chef’s wife, they were from their farm or a garden. A lady told, “Basically, garlic and butter.” Ehm, true. I ate up all the dishes so beautiful like polishing that pleased the wife so much, “Lucky, we don’t need to wash plates!”
ありがとう, Margaret Hamilton, Libby Hathorn, #オーストラリア #児童書評議会 #BlueMountains #支部 , #ディナー へ招待してくれて!! 私の如きでも 末席に加えさせて頂けて本当に光栄です. Libbyの素晴らしい お話はみんなを沸かせ,笑わせました. Libbyと私の芭蕉の絵本 ついても一緒に紹介デモンストレーションしました. 優しいマーガレットは 私が持っていた彼女の絵本に サインしてくださいました. 素晴らしい 夜でした. 山の中ですので霧が出てとってもロマンチックだったですよ. いつもオーストラリア児童書評議会の 陰で働く皆さんに心から感謝します. すごく嬉しいです. 頑張ります!
追伸. 晩餐会で食べた エントリーのエスカルゴは美味しかった😋 庭にいるのだそうです🤭🤣🤪😅 某女史 がのたまうには "要するに,にんにくとバターの味よ"って. ふむ確かに😳. 私が綺麗サッパリ, それこそ お皿なめるように食べるので レストランのシェフの 奥様は"良かったわ, 皿洗う手間省けてって," 優しくおっしゃってくださいました😜😘
#sadamikonchi #picturebook #illustration #cbca #bluemountains #dinner #sydney #australia
Libby & Sadami presentation @ CBCA Blue Mountains
Sunday, December 5, 2021
My boots, a cricket ball and apricots
My assignment “My boots, a cricket ball and apricots,” to Yuko Nagayama online workshop. These boots helped me when the leg got paralysed. To keep up rehab is not easy. A podiatrist praises my daily hard work, encouraging, “Never give up!” A tiny one step, but I believe that calculated small everyday steps will make a huge difference in years. I always walk the present, not the past and step into the future strongly in a positive way.
My boots, a cricket ball and apricots